- 古典文献学英汉词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中国古典文学 chinese classics
- 中国语言文学 chinese language and literature
- 毛笔 chinese writing brush
- 评选 choose through Public appraisal
- 套印 chromatography
- 套印本 chromatography edition
- 木版彩色画 chromo xylograph
- 木版彩印术 chromo xylography
- 编年史 chronicle
- 编年法 chronological device
- 年表 chronological table,chronology
- 文献资料来源索引 citation index
- 文言 classic chinese
- 泥版 clay matrix
- 泥活字 clay type
- 书写错误 clerical error
- 书写体 clerical type
- 文书,文牍人员 clerk,scrivener
- 校勘 collation,emendation,textual criticism
- 书信集 collected letters
- 诗集 collection of poems,Poetry,Poetry anthology
- 译丛 collection of translations
- 收藏家 collector
- 专题座谈会 colloquium
- 珂罗版 collotype