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杀鸡用牛刀    break a butterfly on the wheel
言以简洁为贵    Brevity is the soul of wit.
多此一举    bring owls to Athens、 hold a candle to the sun
粗枝大叶的    broad-brush
白手起家    build up from nothing
自断后路;破釜沈舟    burn one's boats/bridges (behind one)
挑灯夜战;开夜车    burn the midnight oil
化干戈为玉帛    bury the hatchet.
左右逢源    butter both sides of one's bread
不择手段    by any kind of means by hook or crook play hard by fair means or foul
从容不迫地    by easy stages
吃一堑,长一智    by falling we learn to go safely.
千方百计    by hook or by crook; leave no stone unturned (or no stone be left unturned)
不择手段;千方百计    by hook or by crook; stop at nothing (to do something)
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