行政机关工作人员办理行政许可,不得索取或者收受申请人的财物,不得谋取其他利益。 In handling an administrative license, the functionaries of the administrative organ may not exert any property from or accept any property of the applicants, neither may they seek for any other interests复议机关审理民族自治地方的复议案件,并以该民族自治地方的自治条例、单行条例为依据。 In handling reconsideration cases of the nationality autonomous regions, the administrative body for reconsideration shall also base itself on the regulations on autonomy and separate regulations of the nationality autonomous regions.居民委员会进行工作,应当采取民主的方法,不得强迫命令。 In its work a residents committee shall adopt a democratic approach and shall not resort to coercion or commandism.为了进一步做好公安、检察院、法院、工商行政管理部门(以下简称公、检、法、工商部门)行政性收费、诉讼费(以下统称行政性收费)和罚没收入收支两条线管理工作, In order to better the administration of administrative charges, litigation charges (the two uniformly referred to hereinafter as ""administrative charges"") and incomes from fines and confiscations by separating receipts and expenditures as two lines in departments of public security, procuratorates, courts and administrative departments for industry and commerce (hereinafter referred to as ""judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce""),为了进一步做好公安、检察院、法院和工商行政管理部门的行政性收费和罚没收入收支两条线管理工作,经党中央、国务院同意,现将《财政部、国家发展计划委员会、监察部、公安部、最高人民检察院、最高人民法院、国家工商行政管理局关于加强公安、检察院、法院和工商行政管理部门行政性收费和罚没收入收支两条线管理工作的规定》(以下简称《规定》)转发给你们,请遵照执行。 In order to do a good job in the administration of administrative charges and incomes from fines and confiscations by separating receipts and expenditures as two lines in departments of public security, procuratorates, courts and administrative departments for industry and commerce, and with the consent of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we hereby transmit to you Provisions of the Ministry of Finance, the Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Supreme People’s Court and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Strengthening the Administration of Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations by Separating Receipts and Expenditures as Two Lines in Departments of Public Security, Procuratorates, Courts and Administrative Departments for Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as ""Provisions""), which you are required to observe and implement.销售特种印章制作设备的,应当将销售情况登记备查。 In particular, those who trade in the equipment of special seal engraving shall register their sales for future reference.设立国务院议事协调机构,应当明确规定承担办事职能的具体工作部门; In respect of the establishment of the deliberation and coordination agencies of the State Council, the specific ministries or commissions responsible for administrative functions shall be clearly stipulated;情节严重的,处一万元以上十万元以下罚款,可以并处责令停业整顿、吊销《特种行业许可证》或者《公共场所许可证》; In serious cases, the fine will be between 10,000 and 100,000 yuan, and the unit is ordered to stop operation, the ""Special Trade License"" or the ""Public Places Lisence""is to be revoked; or情节严重的,责令停业整顿、吊销《特种行业许可证》或者《公共场所许可证》。 In serious cases, the unit is ordered to stop operation,the ""Special Trade License"" or the ""Public Place License"" is to be revoked.在特定情况下,依照国务院规定,外国人也可以向中国政府主管机关指定口岸的签证机关申请办理签证。 In specific situations aliens may, in compliance with the provisions of the State Council, apply for visas to visa-granting offices at ports designated by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.发生重大灾情或者其他不可预料的情况,县级以上地方各级人民政府可以决定在原定计划以外进行临时性调查。 In the even of serious natural calamities or other unforeseeable situations, local people's governments at or above the county level may decide to make interim investigations beyond the original plan.前款规定的行政处罚决定书应当载明当事人的违法行为、行政处罚依据、罚款数额、时间、地点以及行政机关名称,并由执法人员签名或者盖章。 In the form of decision for administrative penalty as stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be clearly recorded the illegal act committed by the party, the basis for administrative penalty, the amount of fine, the time and place, and the title of the administrative organ. Such form shall also be signed or sealed by the law-enforcing officer.按照中共中央和国务院的指示精神,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》、《国务院关于加强预算外资金管理的决定》、《罚款决定与罚款收缴分离实施办法》、《行政单位财务规则》和《关于对行政性收费、罚没收入实行预算管理的规定》等法律、法规, in the spirit of instructions from the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Decision of the State Council on Strengthening the Administration of Non-budgetary Funds, Measures for Separating Penalty Decision from Penalty Payment, Rules Governing Financial Affairs of Administrative Organs and Provisions Concerning Practicing Budgetary Administration to Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations,入出境证件检查 Inspection of Entry and Exit Certificates违反治安管理使用的本人所有的工具,可以依照规定没收。具体办法由公安部另行规定。 Instruments belonging to the offender used in acts violating the administration of public security may be confiscated according to relevant provisions. Detailed measures shall be stipulated separately by the Ministry of Public Security.国务院组成部门管理的国家行政机构根据工作需要可以设立司、处两级内设机构,也可以只设立处级内设机构。 internal institutions at the two levels of departments and divisions may, according to needs of word, be set up in the State agencies administered by the constituent ministries or commissions of the State Council, which may set up internal institutions just at the level of divisions.收费、罚款票据由执收、执罚单位的财务部门统一向财政部门领取。 Invoices for collecting fees or fines will be taken out from financial departments by divisions in charge of financial affairs in units responsible for collecting fees or fines.禁止利用统计调查窃取国家秘密、损害社会公共利益或者进行欺诈活动。 It is forbidden to make use of statistical investigation to steal State secrets, jeopardize public interests and engage in fraud.禁止租借、转让、复制、涂改或者伪造《特种行业许可证》、《公共场所许可证》。 It is prohibited to lease, transfer, duplicate, alter, and forge the ""Special Trade License"" or the ""Public Places License"" .禁止对违反治安管理的人员打骂、虐待或者侮辱。 It is prohibited to scold and beat, to ill-treat or to insult the people who violate the peace and order regulations.未取得《特种行业许可证》或者《公共场所许可证》的单位,不得开办特种行业或者公共场所。 It is prohibited to start a special trade or use a public place without a Public Place License or Special Trade License.下列活动不需申请: It shall not be necessary to apply for the following activities:四、国务院办事机构 IV. Working Organs of the State Council