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各级公、检、法、工商部门的各项收费、罚款,一律使用中央或省级财政部门统一印制或监制的票据,否则视同非法收费和罚款。    Judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce at all levels shall fill out invoices uniformly printed by or printed under supervision of the financial department of central authority or of provincial government in collecting their all kinds of fees or fines; if they fail to do so, they will be deemed as illegal levying of fees or fines.
各级公、检、法、工商部门要按月填报行政性收费收入统计表和罚没收入统计表(有关统计表由财政部门另发),并于每月终了后7日内将统计表一式五份报送同级财政部门。    Judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce at all levels should work out statistics reports on incomes from administrative charges and on incomes from fines and confiscations every month (The pattern of the statistics reports shall be issued separately by the Ministry of Finance) and submit five copies for each statistics report to the financial department at the corresponding level within seven days following the end of every month .
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