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第三十五条违反本条例的有关规定,由民航公安机关按照下列规定予以处罚:    "" Article 35 Those who violates the relevant provisions in the Regulations shall be punished by the civil aviation public security institute in accordance with the following provisions:
“航空器活动区”,是指机场内用于航空器起飞、着陆以及与此有关的地面活动区域,包括跑道、滑行道、联络道、客机坪。    ""Aircraft movement area"" refers to the area in an airport used for the takeoff and landing and other ground movements concerned of aircraft, including runway, taxiway, connecting taxiway and passenger apron.
“机场控制区”,是指根据安全需要在机场内划定的进出受到限制的区域。    ""Airport controlled area"" refers to the area defined in an airport according to the requirement of safety, the entry into and exit from which are subject to restriction.
(一)因沿海港口作业纠纷提起的诉讼,由港口所在地海事法院管辖;    (1) A lawsuit brought on a dispute over harbour operations shall be under the jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the harbour is located;
(一)因海事侵权行为提起的诉讼,除依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二十九条至第三十一条的规定以外,还可以由船籍港所在地海事法院管辖;    (1) A lawsuit brought on maritime tortious may be, in addition to the provisions of Articles 19 to 31 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place of its port of registry;
(一)有本条例第二十四条第四项所列行为的,可以处以警告或者3000元以下的罚款;    (1) A person who commits an act listed in item 4 of Article 24 may be punished by warning or imposing a fine of less than 3,000 RMB;
(一)记名提单:不得转让;    (1) A straight bill of lading is not negotiable;
(一)免除承运人对旅客应当承担的法定责任;    (1) Any clause that exonerates the statutory responsibility of the carrier in respect of the passenger;
(一)托运人或者旅客根据自愿申请办理保价运输的,按照实际损失赔偿,但最高不超过保价额。    (1) Any shipper or passenger who has voluntarily applied for insured transport of valued articles shall be entitled to an indemnity on a par with the actual loss but not exceeding the insured value.
(十二)非由于承运人或者承运人的受雇人、代理人的过失造成的其他原因。    (12) Any other causes arising without the fault of the carrier or his servant or agent.
(十九)有关船舶所有权或者占有的纠纷;    (19) a dispute over ownership or possession of a ship;
(二)“实际承运人”,是指接受承运人委托,从事旅客运送或者部分运送的人,包括接受转委托从事此项运送的其他人。    (2) ""Actual carrier"" means the person by whom the whole or part of the carriage of passengers has been performed as entrusted by the carrier, including those engaged in such carriage under a sub-contract.
(二)“实际承运人”,是指接受承运人委托,从事货物运输或者部分运输的人,包括接受转委托从事此项运输的其他人。    (2) ""Actual carrier"" means the person to whom the performance of carriage of goods, or of part of the carriage, has been entrusted by the carrier, and includes any other person to whom such performance has been entrusted under a sub-contract;
(二)民用航空器违反本法第七十五条的规定,未按照空中交通管制单位指定的航路和飞行高度飞行,或者违反本法第七十九条的规定飞越城市上空的。    (2) A civil aircraft, in violation of the provisions of Article 75 of this Law, fails to follow the air route and to fly at the altitude specified by the air traffic unit, or in violation of the provisions of Article 79 of this Law, flies across the airspace over a city.
(二)因船舶排放、泄漏、倾倒油类或者其他有害物质,海上生产、作业或者拆船、修船作业造成海域污染损害提起的诉讼,由污染发生地、损害结果地或者采取预防污染措施地海事法院管辖;    (2) A lawsuit brought on a dispute over pollution damage for a ship's discharge, omission or dumping of oil or other harmful substances, or maritime production, operations, ship scrapping, repairing operations shall be under the jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where oil pollution occurred, where injury result occurred or where preventive measures were taken;
(二)因海上运输合同纠纷提起的诉讼,除依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二十八条的规定以外,还可以由转运港所在地海事法院管辖;    (2) A lawsuit brought on maritime transportation contract may be, in addition to the provisions of Articles 82 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place of its port of re-transportation;
(二)有本条例第二十四条第三项所列行为的,可以处以警告、没收非法所得或者5000元以下罚款;    (2) A person who commits an act listed in item 3 of Article 24 may be punished by warning, confiscating his unlawful earnings or imposing a fine of less than 5,000 RMB;
(二)指示提单:经过记名背书或者空白背书转让;    (2) An order bill of lading may be negotiated with endorsement to order or endorsement in blank;
(二)降低本章规定的承运人责任限额;    (2) Any clause that reduces the limitation of liability of the carrier as contained in this Chapter;
(二)在提交仲裁申请书时,附具申请人请求所依据的相关证据。    (2) Append to the Application for Arbitration the relevant documentary evidence on which the Claimant's claim is based.
(二十)船舶共有人之间有关船舶的使用或者收益的纠纷;    (20) a dispute over use of or profit from a ship between co-owners of the ship;
(二十一)船舶抵押权或者同样性质的权利;    (21) a mortgage of a ship or right of the same nature; or
(二十二)因船舶买卖合同产生的纠纷。    (22) a dispute arising from a contract for sale of a ship.
(三)不记名提单:无需背书,即可转让。    (3) A bearer bill of lading is negotiable without endorsement.
(三)因在中华人民共和国领域和有管辖权的海域履行的海洋勘探开发合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由合同履行地海事法院管辖。    (3) A lawsuit brought on a dispute over a performance of a maritime exploration and development contract within the territory of the People's Republic of China and the sea areas under its jurisdiction shall be under the jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the contract is performed.
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