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中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)对中国籍船员、引航员或设施上的工作人员,可以给予警告、罚款或扣留、吊销职 务证书;    (1) Warnings, fines, suspension or revocation of their job certificates may be resorted to when the crew, pilots or personnel working on the installations are of Chinese nationality;
一、警告;    (1) warnings;
(一)根据本法第一百六十七条第(一)项、第(二)项规定,保险或者担保继续有效的;(二)经营人破产的。    (1) Where the insurance or guarantee is continued in force under the provisions of sub-paragraphs(1) and(2) of Article 167 of this Law; and(2) The bankruptcy of the operator.
(一)被请求人未提供充分的担保;    (1) where the party who opposes the claim has not provided a sure guarantee;
(一)船舶所有人对海事请求负有责任,并且在实施扣押时是该船的所有人;    (1) where the shipowner is held responsible for a maritime claim and is the owner of the ship when the arrest is executed;
(十五)船员的工资和其他款项,包括应当为船员支付的遣返费和社会保险费;    (15) wages of ship's crew or other payments, including the repatriation fee and social insurance premium payable for ship's crew;
(二)对外国籍船员或设施上的工作人员,可以给予警告、罚款或将其过失通报其所属国 家的主管机关。    (2) Warnings and fines may be imposed on the crew or the personnel working on the installations who are of foreign nationalities or their faults may be reported to the competent organs of their respective countries.
(二)船舶自然磨损或者锈蚀。    (2) Wear and tear or corrosion of the ship.
(二)船舶的光船承租人对海事请求负有责任,并且在实施扣押时是该船的光船承租人或者所有人;    (2) where the bareboat charterer of the ship is held responsible for a maritime claim and is the bareboat charterer or the owner of the ship when the arrest is executed;
(二)担保人有可能不能全部或者部分履行担保义务;    (2) where the guarantor probably cannot perform his obligation of guarantee wholly or partly; or
二、扣留或吊销职务证书;    (2) withholding or revoking work certificates; or
(三)事故发生的时间、地点、过程、气象海况、损害情况等;    (3) When and where the accident happened, the course of the accident, weather and sea conditions at the time, seriousness of the damage;
(三)事故发生时间和地点;    (3) When and where the accident happened;
(三)具有船舶抵押权或者同样性质的权利的海事请求;    (3) where a maritime claim is entitled to a mortgage of the ship or right of the same nature;
(三)依照第(一)项规定的限额,不足以支付全部人身伤亡的赔偿请求的,其差额应当与非人身伤亡的赔偿请求并列,从第(二)项数额中按照比例受偿。    (3) Where the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) above is insufficient for payment of claims for loss of life or personal injury set out therein in full, the amount calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) shall be available for payment of the unpaid balance of claims under sub-paragraph (1), and such unpaid balance shall rank rateably with claims set out under sub-paragraph (2).
(三)海事请求人因合理的原因同意释放被扣押的船舶或者返还已提供的担保;或者不能通过合理措施阻止释放被扣押的船舶或者返还已提供的担保。    (3) where the maritime claimant agrees to release the arrested ship or return the existing guarantee for justifiable reason; or cannot stop the release of the arrested ship or return of the existing guarantee by justifiable means.
(四)战争或者武装冲突;    (4) War or armed conflict;
(四)有关船舶所有权或者占有的海事请求;    (4) where a maritime claim relates to ownership or possession of the ship; or
(五)具有船舶优先权的海事请求。    (5) where a maritime claim is entitled to a maritime lien.
当事人申请海事强制令的,仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交海事纠纷发生地的海事法院;当事人在仲裁程序开始前申请海事强制令的,应当依照《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》的规定,直接向海事纠纷发生地的海事法院提出。    When a party applies for a maritime injunction, the Arbitration Commission shall submit the party's application to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute arises. Where a party applies for a maritime injunction before the commencement of the arbitration proceedings, he shall, according to the provisions of ""Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China"", submit his application directly to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute arises.
当事人申请证据保全,仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交证据所在地的海事法院或其他法院;当事人在仲裁程序开始前申请证据保全的,应当依照《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》的规定或其他有关法律规定,直接向被保全的证据所在地海事法院或其他法院提出。    When a party applies for preservation of evidence, the Arbitration Commission shall submit the party's application to the maritime court or other people's court at the place where the evidence to be preserved is located. Where a party applies for preservation of evidence before the commencement of arbitration proceedings, he shall, according to the provisions of ""Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China"" or other provisions concerned, submit his application directly to the maritime court or other people's court at the place where the evidence to be preserved is located.
同一收费公路由不同的交通主管部门组织建设或者由不同的公路经营企业经营的,应当按照“统一收费、按比例分成”的原则,统筹规划,合理设置收费站。    When a single toll road is built by different transportation departments or run by different road management enterprises, toll gates of which should be built in a unified and rational manner according to the principle of ""unified collection and proportionate sharing of toll fees"".
分配船舶价款时,应当由责任人承担的诉讼费用,为保存、拍卖船舶和分配船舶价款产生的费用,以及为债权人的共同利益支付的其他费用,应当从船舶价款中先行拨付。    When distributing the proceeds of a ship, the litigation costs ought to be borne by the persons liable, the expenses for preserving and auctioning the ship and distributing the proceeds of ship, and other expenses incurred for the common interests of the creditors, shall be deducted and paid first from the proceeds of the ship.
在县(市)人同政府核准的公路料场取土采石,任何单位和个人不得借故阻挠或者索取价款。    When earth or rocks are obtained from highway material sites approved by the local county (city) government, no unit or individual should stand in the way or ask for payment under any pretext.
海事法院受理未经理算的共同海损纠纷,可以委托理算机构理算。    When entertaining a dispute arising from general average that has not been adjusted, the maritime court may commission an adjustment institution to have it adjusted.
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