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(一)擅自设立司级内设机构的;    (1) Establishing internal institutions at departmental levels without authorization;
(一)设置、使用民用射击场,不符合安全规定的;    (1) establishing or using a civilian shooting range not in accordance with safety regulations;
(一)有义务协助执行的人,对人民法院的协助执行通知书,无故推拖、拒绝或者妨碍执行的;    (1) evading without reason, refusing to assist in or obstructing the execution of the notice of a people's court for assistance in its execution by a person who has the duty to render assistance;
(二)擅自扩大职能的;    (2) Extending functions without authorization;
(三)有证据证明违反行政纪律,需要给予行政处分或者作出其他处理的,进行审理;    (3) Examine the evidence proving the violation of administrative discipline, which deserves administrative punishments or other actions;
(三)敲诈勒索公私财物的;    (3) extorting or demanding with menace public or private property;
(四)录用、任免、奖惩决定明显不适当,应当予以纠正的;    (4) Employment, appointments, removals, awards, and punishments which are obviously inappropriate and should be corrected;
(六)鉴定结论;    (6) expert conclusions;
5.具体行政行为明显不当的。    (e) obvious inappropriateness of the specific administrative act.
(一)审定并落实各项治安防范制度;    1. Examine the peace and order regulations and put them into effect;
(三)如实向公安部门反映本单位的治安状况,配合公安部门对本单位进行治安检查;    3. Exactly report to the public security bureau the conditions of peace and order, and help the public security bureau make inspection of this unit for peace and order;
四、建立行政性收费和罚没收入统计报表制度。    4. Establishing the System of Statistics Reports on Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations.
各地要切实加强对财政专项经费的管理,专款专用,严禁挪作他用。    Each locality shall conscientiously tighten the control of special financial funds ensuring special funds for special purpose, and appropriating them for other use shall be prohibited.
全国人民代表大会会议设副秘书长若干人。副秘书长的人选由主席团决定。    Each session of the National People's Congress shall install several Deputy Secretaries-General, whose choice shall be decided on by the Presidium.
各专门委员会由主任委员、副主任委员若干人和委员若干人组成。    Each special committee shall be composed of a chairman, vice-chairmen and members.
国务院经济体制改革办公室    Economic Restructuring Office of the State Council
对支出管理的薄弱环节,如人员、车辆、会议、电话等项目要切实采取有效措施,实施重点管理和控制,坚决杜绝铺张浪费行为。    Effective measures shall be taken for weak links in expenditure management such as staff, vehicles, meetings and telephone, on which management and control shall be focused so as to ban extravagance and waste resolutely.
地方各级人民代表大会代表的选举单位和选民有权随时罢免自己选出的代表。代表的罢免必须由原选举单位以全体代表的过半数通过,或者由原选区以选民的过半数通过。    Electoral units and voters shall have the power to remove from office at any time the deputies they elect to a local people's congress at any level. The removal from office of a deputy shall require a majority vote of all the deputies of the unit which elected him or of all the voters in his electoral district.
企业事业组织执行国家统计调查或者地方统计调查任务,接受地方人民政府统计机构的指导。    Enterprises and institutions shall fulfill State or local statistical investigation tasks and accept the direction of statistics institutions of local people's governments.
企业事业组织应当设置原始统计记录、统计台帐,建立健全统计资料的审核、交接和档案等管理制度。    Enterprises and institutions shall keep original statistical records and standing books, establish and improve the management systems for checking, transferring and filing statistical data.
除依照本法第四十七条、第四十八条的规定当场收缴的罚款外,作出行政处罚决定的行政机关及其执法人员不得自行收缴罚款。    Except for circumstances under which fines shall be collected on the spot according to the provisions of Articles 47 and 48 of this Law, no administrative organs that make the decision on administrative penalty or their law-enforcing officers shall collect fines themselves.
有特殊情况需要延长的,由高级人民法院批准,高级人民法院审理第一审案件需要延长的,由最高人民法院批准。    Extent of the time limit necessitated by special circumstances shall be approved by a higher people's court, extent of the time limit for handling a case of first instance by a higher people's court, extent of the time limit for handling a case of first instance by a higher people's court shall be approved by the Supreme People's Court.
有特殊情况需要延长的,由高级人民法院批准,高级人民法院审理上诉案件需要延长的,由最高人民法院批准。    Extent of the time limit necessitated by special circumstances shall be approved by a higher people's court, extent of the time limit for handling an appealed case by a higher people's court shall be approved by the Supreme People's Court.
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