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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(六)书面承诺在必要时,根据中国保监会的要求,如实提供有关保险外汇资金境外运用的交易情况;    (6) It shall make a written commitment to truthfully provide transaction information about overseas use of foreign exchange insurance funds as required by the CIRC when necessary;
(六)内部管理制度和风险控制制度符合《保险资金运用风险控制指引》的规定;    (6) Its internal management system and risk control system comply with the stipulations of the Risk Control Guidelines for Use of Insurance Funds;
(七)付款人同出票人、持票人恶意串通,实施前六项所列行为之一的。    (7) in the capacity of a drawer, committing any of the acts mentioned in the preceding six sub - paragraphs through ill - intentioned collusion with the drawer and/or holder.
(七)境内托管人的有关材料和托管协议草案;    (7) Information about its domestic custodian and draft custody agreement;
(七)依法对违反证券市场监督管理法律、行政法规的行为进行查处;    (7) Investigate and handle according to the law any conduct that violates the laws and administrative regulations formulated for the supervision and administration of the securities market;
(七)未按照中国人民银行的规定向同业拆借市场披露信息;    (7) It fails to disclose the information to the interbank borrowing market in accordance with the provisions as prescribed by the PBC; or
(七)最近3年在所在国家或者地区,无受重大处罚记录;    (7) It shall have no record of being severely punished in the country or region where it is located in the recent 3 years;
(七)最近3年无重大违法、违规行为的记录,且其总行或者分行未受所在国家或者地区监管部门的重大处罚;    (7) It shall have no record of serious violations of laws or regulations in the recent 3 years and its head office or branches shall have not be severely punished by the supervisory authorities of the country or region where it is located in the recent 3 years;
八、中国政府参加的国际公约、签订的协议中规定免税的所得;    (8) income exempted from tax as stipulated in the international conventions to which the Chinese Government is a party and in agreements it has signed; and
(八) 接受捐赠收入;    (8) income from accepting donations; and
(八)境外受托人的有关材料和资产委托管理协议草案,没有境外受托人的除外;    (8) Information about its overseas trustee and draft asset management entrusting agreement unless there is no overseas trustee;
(九)在国务院已经发布或者批准发布的其他规定中有关免征、减征企业所得税的规定。    (9) Implementation of other provisions in respect of exemptions from or reductions of enterprise income tax promulgated or approved for promulgation by the State Council.
九、经中华人民共和国财政部批准免税的所得。    (9) income exempted from tax with the approval of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China.
(一)合伙协议约定的退伙事由出现;    (i) A cause for withdrawal prescribed in the partnership agreement has occurred;
(一)为改进技术、研究开发新产品的;    (i) agreements to improve technology, to research and develop new products.
(一)资产负债表;    (i) balance sheet;
(1)主持公司的生产经营管理工作,组织实施董事会决议;    (i) being in charge of managing the company's production and operation, and organizing the implementation of resolutions adopted by the board;
(1)主持公司的生产经营管理工作,组织实施董事会决议;    (i) being in charge of the management of the company's production and operation, and organizing the implementation of board resolutions;
(一)负责召集股东会,并向股东会报告工作;    (i) being responsible for calling meetings of shareholders committee and presenting reports thereto;
(一)负责召集股东大会,并向股东大会报告工作;    (i) being responsible for calling meetings of shareholders' general committee, and presenting reports thereto;
(一)前一次发行的公司债券尚未募足的;    (i) Company bonds previously issued have not been fully subscribed for;
(一)对外地商品设定歧视性收费项目、实行歧视性收费标准,或者规定歧视性价格;    (i) create discriminated items, carry out discriminated standards, or stipulate discriminated prices to nonlocal commodities.
(一)利用职务上的便利,索取或者收受贿赂;    (i) demanding or accepting bribes by usurping his official position;
(一)合伙企业的名称和主要经营场所的地点;    (i) designation of the partnership and the address of its principal place of operation;
(一)决定公司的经营方针和投资计划;    (i) determining the company's operational guidelines and investment plans;
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