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银发[2007]第287号    Yin Fa [2007] No.287
银监发[2007]第6号?各银监局,各国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、中国邮政储蓄银行,北京、上海农村商业银行,天津农村合作银行:    Yin Jian Fa [2007] No. 6 Each banking regulatory bureau, state-owned commercial bank, joint stock commercial bank, China Postal Savings Bank, Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, Tianjin Rural Cooperative Bank,
请你们在4月30日前,将上述情况汇总后填入《外商投资企业证照使用情况统计表》,如为被授权局自领的,还应单独附上《外商投资企业证照使用情况统计表》一并以电子文档方式上报国家工商总局外资局。    You shall, prior to April 30, gather the aforesaid items and fill them in the Statistics of License Use of Foreign-funded Enterprises. In the case of self-drawing by authorized administration, the above-mentioned Statistics shall be attached separately, and then reported to the Foreign Fund Department under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce via electronic documents.
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