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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


税目、税率的调整,由国务院决定。    Any adjustments to the taxable items and tax rates shall be determined by the State Council.
同业拆借的资金清算可以在同一银行完成的,应以转账方式进行。任何同业拆借清算均不得使用现金支付。    Any capital settlement for interbank borrowing that can be implemented inside a same bank shall be conducted by way of capital transfer. No capital settlement for interbank borrowing may be performed by cash.
需要变更合并申报纳税营业机构的,依照前款规定办理    Any change in respect of the business organization filing and paying tax on a consolidated basis shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
凡涉及联运的,应明确规定双方或多方的责任和交接办法。    Any contract involving transshipment shall expressly provide the responsibilities of both or all parties and the freight delivery methods.
任何单位或者个人不得销售境外的密码产品。    Any corporation or individual shall not sell the password products produced overseas.
金融机构进入同业拆借市场必须经中国人民银行批准,从事同业拆借交易接受中国人民银行的监督和检查。    Any financial institutions may enter into the interbank borrowing market upon the approval of the PBC, and engage in the interbank borrowing trading under the supervision and inspection of the PBC.
户外广告经营活动中,禁止任何形式的垄断及不正当竞争行为。    Any form of monopoly or unfair competition is prohibited in the operation of outdoor advertising business.
传销企业或参与传销的组织、个人有偷税漏税、走私贩私、制售假冒伪劣商品等违法行为的,由有关行政执法机关依法处理;构成犯罪的,依法移送司法机关。    Any individual in a pyramid retail enterprise or group participating in pyramid retailing who withholds or evades taxes, engages in the smuggling or sale of contraband goods, manufactures or sells counterfeit or shoddy goods, or engages in other illegal activities shall be dealt with according to law by the relevant law enforcement offices; actions which constitute crimes shall be transferred to offices of justice administration in accordance with the law..
经许可或者登记的技术出口合同终止的,应当及时向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。    Any licensed or registered technology export contract which has terminated shall be submitted to the competent foreign trade department under the State Council for filing.
经许可或者登记的技术进口合同终止的,应当及时向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。    Any licensed or registered technology import contract which has terminated shall be submitted with the competent foreign trade department under the State Council for filing.
对仲裁协议及/或仲裁案件管辖权提出抗辩不影响按仲裁程序进行审理。    Any objection to an arbitration agreement and/or the jurisdiction over an arbitration case shall not affect the hearing of the case according to the arbitration procedures.
经国家工商行政管理局核准,下列企业的企业名称可以不冠以企业所在地行政区划名称:    Any of the following enterprises may use an enterprise name not preceded by the name of the administrative area where it is located after obtaining approval from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce:
当事人有正当理由的,可以请求延期,但必须在开庭前12天以书面形式向秘书局提出;是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。    Any party having justified reasons may request a postponement of the hearing, but a written request must be submitted to the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission 12 days before the date of the hearing. The arbitration tribunal will then decide whether to postpone the hearing or not.
当事人因防止损失扩大而支出的合理费用,由违约方承担。    Any reasonable expense incurred by the other party in preventing further loss shall be borne by the breaching party.
股东会对公司增加或者减少注册资本、分立、合并、解散或者变更公司形式作出决议,必须经代表三分之二以上表决权的股东通过。    Any resolution adopted by the shareholders' committee relating to the company's increase or reduction of registered capital, division, merger, dissolution or change of corporate form requires affirmative votes by shareholders representing two-thirds of the votes.
投资人对受托人或者被聘用的人员职权的限制,不得对抗善意第三人。    Any restriction by the sole proprietor on the authority of the agent or employee shall not constitutes a defense against a third person in good faith.
对前款所列行为负有直接责任的高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员,按照《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》第四十六条的规定处罚。    Any senior manager or other person that should have direct responsibility of any act referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be punished in accordance with relevant provisions in Article 46 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China.
任何单位和个人均有权对价格违法行为进行举报。政府价格主管部门应当对举报者给予鼓励,并负责为举报者保密。?    Any unit or individual has the right to report acts of violation of price law and the government price departments shall encourage such reporting and undertake to keep secret what concerns concerning the reporters.
对已登记注册的不适宜的企业名称,任何单位和个人可以要求登记主管机关予以纠正。    Any unit or individual may require to the competent registration authorities to rectify an inappropriate enterprise name registered.
变造人民币、出售变造的人民币或者明知是变造的人民币而运输,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;情节轻微的,由公安机关处十五日以下拘留、五千元以下罚款。    Anyone who alters Renminbi or sells altered Renminbi or knowingly transports altered Renminbi, if the cases constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility; if the case is not serious, he shall be put by a public security organ in detention of not more than 15 days and imposed with a fine of not more than 5,000 yuan.
买卖进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证或者买卖伪造、变造的进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证,比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。    Anyone who commits trading of certificates of country of origin or license for import or export or trading of forged or distorted certificates of country of origin or license for import or export shall be subject to criminal prosecution in the light of Article 167 of the Criminal Law.
因职务或业务关系而了解该技术秘密的任何人员,不得泄密或者擅自使用该技术,违者追究法律责任。    Anyone who has access to the technical secrets because of his (her) duties or job responsibilities must not divulge the secrets or use them without authorization; violations as such shall be legally accountable.
明知是伪造、变造的进出口许可证而用以进口或者出口货物,依照本法第三十八条的规定处罚。    Anyone who knowingly uses forged or distorted import or export license in importing or exporting goods shall be imposed sanctions in accordance with the provisions of Article 38 of this Law.
附件:(一)《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》    Appendices: I. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Methods of the People’s Republic of China for Invoice Management.
附件:《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》实施细则    Appendix: 1Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Methods of the People’s Republic of China for Invoice Management
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