在上海浦东新区设立的从事机场、港口、铁路、公路、电站等能源、交通建设项目的外商投资企业,经营期在15年以上的,经企业申请,上海市税务机关批准,从开始获利的年度起,第一年至第五年免征企业所得税,第六年至第十年减半征收企业所得税。? A foreign-invested enterprise set up in Shanghai Pudong New Area and engaged in the construction of such energy and transportation projects as airport, port, railway, highway and power station, etc. and with the operation period of 15 years or longer may, upon approval of its application by Shanghai municipal tax organ, enjoy exemption from enterprise income tax which begins to make profits from first year to the fifth year, and decrease in enterprise income tax by half from the sixth to the tenth year.票据上有伪造、变造的签章的,不影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。 A forged or altered signature on a negotiable instrument shall not affect the effect of other true signatures thereon.支票中专门用于支取现金的,可以另行制作现金支票,现金支票只能用于支取现金。 A form of cash cheque may be specially designed and made to be paid only in cash and a cash cheque can only be cashed.支票中专门用于转账的,可以另行制作转账支票,转账支票只能用于转账,不得支取现金。 A form of transfer cheque may be designed and made for cheques used to transfer account, A transfer cheque can only be transferred to another's account, and shall not be paid in cash.?? (一)设立申请书,申请书应当载明拟设立的保险公司的名称、注册资本、业务范围等; a formal application letter for the establishment of an insurance company on which the name, registered capital and the scope of business of the proposed insurance company shall be specified;保证人同意为领购发票的单位和个人提供担保的,应当填写担保书。 A guarantor who agrees to provide guarantee for the unit and individual receiving and purchasing invoice shall fill out a warranty.国家高新技术产业开发区内新创办的高新技术企业经严格认定后,自获利年度起两年内免征所得税。? A high-tech enterprise newly set up in a national high-tech industry development area may, upon strict recognition, be exempted from the income tax for its first two profit-making years.持票人行使第一款规定的权利时,应当背书并交付汇票。 A holder shall endorse and deliver the bill of exchange when exercising the rights stipulated in the first paragraph of the Article.持票人因重大过失取得不符合本法规定的票据的,也不得享有票据权利。 A holder who, by gross negligence, acquires a negotiable instrument that is not in conformity with the provisions of this Law, shall have no tight thereon, either.以募集设立方式成立的股份有限公司必须公告其财务会计报告。 A joint stock limited company established through public share offer shall make public its financial and accounting reports.合作企业可以自行向国际市场销售其产品,也可以委托国外的销售机构或者中国的外贸公司代销或者经销其产品。 A JV may either sell the products on the world market by itself or entrust foreign sales agencies or foreign trade companies in China to sell on commission.依法成立的合同,受法律保护。 A lawfully formed contract is protected by law.?? (二)股东名册及其股份或者出资人及其出资额; a list of shareholders and their shares, or the investors and the amount of their investment;上市公司对发行股票所募资金,必须按招股说明书所列资金用途使用。改变招股说明书所列资金用途,必须经股东大会批准。擅自改变用途而未作纠正的,或者未经股东大会认可的,不得发行新股。 A listed company shall utilize the capital it procures from stock issue in accordance with the uses explained in the public issue subscription notice. Changes in the listed capital uses in the stock issue explanations shall be approved by the general shareholders' meeting. A company shall not issue new stocks if it makes unauthorized changes in the use of capital which are not corrected or which are not approved by the shareholders' meeting.贷款公司是由境内商业银行或农村合作银行全额出资的有限责任公司。 A loan company is a limited liability company solely invested by a domestic commercial bank or rural cooperative company.主协议和成交记录(包括中国外汇交易中心的交易系统打印的交易单等)共同构成书面交易合同。 A master agreement and a transaction record (including the transaction slip printed from the trading system of China Foreign Exchange Trading Center) constitute a written trading contract.(二)保险标的的保险价值明显减少。 a material reduction occurred in the insured value of the subject matter of the insurance.1/3以上董事或者委员可以提议召开董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议。 A meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee may be convened upon a proposal by more than one-third of the directors of the board or the committee members.董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议应当有2/3以上董事或者委员出席方能举行,不能出席董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议的董事或者委员应当书面委托他人代表其出席和表决。 A meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee should be participated by more than two-thirds of the directors of the board or committee members. In case a director of the board or committee member is unable to attend the meeting, a proxy shall be appointed in writing to participate and vote.评标委员会成员不得私下接触投标人,不得收受投标人的财物或者其他好处。 A member of a bid assessment committee may not contact any bidder privately and may not accept property or other benefits from any bidder.?? (二)有符合本法规定的注册资本最低限额; a minimum registered capital as prescribed in this Law;少数不法商人借此进行欺诈活动,严重侵害消费者的合法权益,对守法经营者构成不正当竞争,也使大多数传销员蒙受了经济损失,引发了社会问题,扰乱了经济秩序。 A minority of lawbreaking merchants have taken advantage of this to engage in deceitful practices which seriously infringe on the legal rights and interests of the consumers, constituting unfair competition towards legal operators, resulting in financial losses to the majority of retailers engaged in pyramid retailing, arousing social problems, and disturbing the economic order.票据的取得,必须给付对价,即应当给付票据双方当事人认可的相对应的代价。 A negotiable instrument shall be acquired by payment of consideration, that is, the price corresponding to what is agreed upon by the two parties to the instrument.债权人转让权利的通知不得撤销,但经受让人同意的除外。 A notice of assignment of rights given by the obligee may not be revoked, except with the consent of the assignee.合伙人不得从事损害本合伙企业利益的活动。 A partner may not engage in any conduct harmful to the interests of the partnership.