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科学技术进步    scientific and technological progress
科学论证    scientific verification
科学分析我国全面参与经济全球化的新机遇新挑战,全面认识工业化、信息化、城镇化、市场化、国际化深入发展的新形势新任务,深刻把握我国发展面临的新课题新矛盾,更加自觉地走科学发展道路,奋力开拓中国特色社会主义更为广阔的发展前景。    scientifically analyze the new opportunities and challenges arising from China's full involvement in economic globalization, fully understand the new situation and tasks in China's advance toward an industrialized, information-based, urbanized, market-oriented and internationalized country, have a good grasp of the new issues and problems we face in development, follow more conscientiously the path of scientific development, and strive to open up a broader vista for developing Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
第二产业    secondary industry
真挚的热情、务实的精神、优惠的政策、满意的合作    sincerity, practical spirit, beneficial policy and fruitful cooperation
社会保障    social security
社会管理逐步完善,社会大局稳定,人民安居乐业    Social stability was ensured and the.people lived and worked in peace and contentment.
在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险    Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas.
市场体系不断健全,宏观调控继续改善,政府职能加快转变,进出口总额大幅增长,实施走出去战略迈出坚实步伐,开放型经济进入新阶段。    Solid steps were taken in implementing the ""go global"" strategy, and the open economy entered a new stage of development.
拉动经济增长    stimulate economic growth
为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗    Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Properous Society in All Respects
配套政策    supporting policies
“中国美术家协会苏州胥口展览中心”和“中国书画名家一条街”    Suzhou Xukou exhibition center of Chinese Atists’ Association and one street famous for its collection of calligragpers and painters
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