原丹皮 unshaved moutan [root bark]大便不实 unsolid stool不稳定 unstable通 unstop\HALT \VERB身热不外扬 unsurfaced genealized heat [effusion] (fever)身热不扬 unsurfaced generalized heat [effusion] (fever)月经不准 untimely menstruation四时不正之气 untimely seasonal qi4解索脉 untwining rope pulse囟解 ununited fontanels解颅 ununited skull刚 unyielding强间 Unyielding Space刚脏 unyielding viscus升补脾气 upbear and supplement spleen qi4升清气 upbear clear qi4升清阳 upbear clear yang2升清 upbear the clear升清降浊 upbear the clear and downbear the turbid同升药则升 upbear when combined with upbearing medicinals升阳散郁 upbear yang2 and dissipate depression升阳举陷 upbear yang2 and raise the fall升散透达 upbear, dissipate, and outhrust升动 upbearing and stirring面红升火 upbearing fire flush语际翻译 版权所有
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