- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 小便自利 uninhibited urination
- 利 uninhibited\HALT
- 合谷 Union Valley
- 联 unite
- 两阳合明 united brightness of two yang2
- 合 unite\HALT \VERB, uniting \ADJ, union \NOUN
- 合骨 Uniting Bones
- 合穴 uniting point
- 普 universal
- 普济方 Universal Salvation Formulary
- 普济消毒饮 Universal Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage
- 普济消毒饮去升麻柴胡黄芩黄连方 Universal Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage Minus Cimicifuga,Bupleurum, Scutellaria, \& Coptis
- 异 unlike
- 同病异治 unlike treatment of like disease
- 万灵 unlimited efficacy
- 万灵丹 Unlimited Efficacy Elixir
- 万金丸 Unlimited Gold Pill [NIS]
- 隐疾 unmentionable disease
- 朴 unprocessed lumber
- 夜卧不安 unquiet sleep
- 卧不安 unquiet sleep
- 睡眠不安 unquiet sleep
- 夜不安寐 unquiet sleep at night
- 胃不和卧不安 unquiet sleep due to stomach disharmony
- 朴 unrefined