- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 升剂 upbearing formula
- 胃火上升 upbearing of stomach fire
- 降中有升 upbearing within downbearing
- 升可去降 upbearing [medicinals] can eliminate downbearing
- 升降浮沉 upbearing, downbearing, floating, and sinking
- 升降出入 upbearing, downbearing, inward and outward movement
- 升 upbear\HALT \VERB, upbearing \NOUN
- 升丹 upborne elixir
- 升药底 upborne elixir residue
- 戴眼 upcast eyes
- 戴眼反折 upcast eyes
- 戴阳 upcast yang2
- 上炎 upflame
- 心火上炎 upflaming heart fire
- 肝火上炎 upflaming liver fire
- 虚火上炎 upflaming vacuity fire
- 升浮药 upfloater
- 升浮药 upfloating medicinal
- 虚阳上浮 upfloating of vacuous yang2
- 泛恶 upflow nausea
- 泛 upflow\HALT \NOUN
- 升举 uplift
- 上膊 upper arm
- 肱 upper arm
- 臂 upper arm