- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 吐痰不爽 ungratifying ejection of phlegm
- 咯痰不爽 ungratifying expectoration of phlegm
- 经行不爽 ungratifying menstruation
- 夜寐不甜 ungratifying sleep
- 神思不爽 ungratifying thought
- 小便不爽 ungratifying urination
- 不良情绪 unhealthy emotions
- 麒 unicorn
- 麟 unicorn
- 角胡麻 unicorn plant
- 毓麟珠 Unicorn-Rearing Pill
- 毓麟丸 Unicorn-Rearing Pill [NIS]
- 搓针 unidirectional twirling
- 面合赤色 uniform redness of the face
- 偏 unilateral
- 睾丸偏大 unilateral enlargement of the testicles
- 偏坠 unilateral sag
- 睾丸偏坠 unilateral sagging of the testicles
- 快 uninhibited
- 畅 uninhibited
- 二便清利 uninhibited clear stool and urine
- 小便利多 uninhibited copious urine
- 大便利 uninhibited stool
- 便利 uninhibited stool
- 小便通利 uninhibited urination