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台湾中医术语词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


湿浊不化    damp turbidity failing to transform
湿烂    damp ulceration
湿温    damp warmth
湿温郁卫    damp warmth depressing defense
湿温潮热    damp warmth tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
湿可去枯    damp [medicinals] can eliminate desiccation
湿热    damp-heat
湿热腹痛    damp-heat abdominal pain
湿热积滞    damp-heat accumulation and stagnation
湿热积滞内阻胃肠    damp-heat accumulation and stagnation obstructing the stomach and intestines
湿热蕴结    damp-heat brewing and binding
湿热蕴结膀胱    damp-heat brewing in the bladder
湿热蕴结肝胆    damp-heat brewing in the liver and gallbladder
湿热蕴脾    damp-heat brewing in the spleen
湿热内蕴    damp-heat brewing internally
湿热伤筋    damp-heat damaging the sinews
湿热伤阴    damp-heat damaging yin1
湿热泄泻    damp-heat diarrhea
湿热泻痢    damp-heat diarrhea and dysentery
湿热眩晕    damp-heat dizziness
湿热痢    damp-heat dysentery
湿热流注精室    damp-heat flowing into the essence chamber
湿热身肿    damp-heat generalized swelling
湿热头痛    damp-heat headache
湿热痹阻经络    damp-heat impeding the channels and network vessels
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