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伤津耗液    damage to liquid and wear on humor
热邪伤津    damage to liquid by the heat evil
筋伤骨错    damage to sinew and bone
胃阴伤    damage to stomach yin1
黑睛破损    damage to the dark of the eyes
酸碱伤目    damage to the eye by acid or alkali
物损真睛    damage to the eye proper by external objects
妊娠毒药伤胎    damage to the fetus by poisonous medicinals in pregnancy
怒气伤肝    damage to the liver by anger
肺络损伤    damage to the network vessels of the lung
热伤筋脉    damage to the sinews by heat
食伤脾胃    damage to the spleen and stomach by food
胃受伤    damage to the stomach
冲任损伤    damage to the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
冲任胞脉损伤    damage to the thoroughfare, controlling, and uterine vessels
声带创伤    damage to the vocal cords
热烫伤目    damage to they eye by excessive heat
伤阳    damage to yang2
伤阴    damage to yin1
久热伤阴    damage to yin1 by enduring heat
热毒伤阴证    damage to yin1 by heat toxin pattern
阴液耗伤    damage to yin1 humor
伤耗胃阴    damages stomach yin1
伤    damage\HALT \VERB, \NOUN
按截法    damming method
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