虎刺 damnacanthus伏牛花 damnacanthus flower湿 damp湿闭 damp block湿霍乱 damp cholera湿秘 damp constipation湿咳 damp cough湿嗽 damp cough湿聋 damp deafness湿郁 damp depression湿郁汤 Damp Depression Decoction湿泻 damp diarrhea指缝湿烂 damp erosion between the fingers口唇湿烂 damp erosion of the lips阴湿如牛鼻上汗 damp genitals like the sweaty nose of an ox湿痹 damp impediment湿痒热痛 damp itch and heat pain阴中湿痒 damp itch in the genital region湿脚气 damp leg qi4湿癣 damp lichen湿腰痛 damp lumbar pain湿疟 damp malaria湿阻 damp obstruction湿阻证 damp obstruction pattern湿痰 damp phlegm语际翻译 版权所有
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