小肠有湿热 damp-heat in the small intestine湿热犯耳 damp-heat invading the ear湿热黄疸 damp-heat jaundice湿热留恋气分 damp-heat lodged in the qi4 aspect湿热留恋三焦 damp-heat lodged in the triple burner湿热腰痛 damp-heat lumbar pain湿热郁于经络 damp-heat lying depressed in the channels and network vessels湿热疝 damp-heat mounting湿热阻络 damp-heat obstructing the netork vessels湿热阻滞脾胃 damp-heat obstructing the spleen and stomach湿热郁阻三焦 damp-heat obstructing the triple burner皮肤湿热 damp-heat of the skin湿热证 damp-heat pattern湿热下注膀胱 damp-heat pouring down into the bladder湿热下注大肠 damp-heat pouring down into the large intestine湿热下注 damp-heat pouring downward湿热胁痛 damp-heat rib-side pain湿热时毒 damp-heat seasonal toxin湿热遗精 damp-heat seminal emission湿热浸淫 damp-heat spreading ??湿热弥漫三焦 damp-heat spreading through the triple burner湿热瘀结 damp-heat stasis bind湿热瘀结膀胱 damp-heat stasis binding in the bladder湿热瘀结肾脏 damp-heat stasis binding in the kidney湿热瘀阻 damp-heat stasis obstruction语际翻译 版权所有
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