祛风宣肺 dispel wind and diffuse the lung祛风燥湿 dispel wind and dry dampness祛风燥痰 dispel wind and dry phlegm祛风除湿 dispel wind and eliminate dampness祛风养血 dispel wind and nourish the blood疏风透疹 dispel wind and outthrusting papules祛风胜湿 dispel wind and overcome dampness祛风止痛 dispel wind and relieve pain祛风解痉 dispel wind and resolve tetany祛风解肌 dispel wind and resolve the flesh祛风止抽 dispel wind and stop convulsions祛风化痰 dispel wind and transform phlegm祛风化痰止咳 dispel wind, transform phlegm, and suppress cough祛风寒 dispel wind-cold祛风湿 dispel wind-damp祛风痰 dispel wind-phlegm祛寒法 dispelling cold祛 dispel\HALT \VERB配药 dispense消腹胀 disperse abdominal distention消积滞 disperse accumulation and stagnation消散积块 disperse accumulation lumps消积块 disperse accumulation lumps消积 disperse accumulations消积破气 disperse accumulations and break qi4语际翻译 版权所有
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