消积杀虫 disperse accumulations and kill worms消积化滞 disperse accumulations and transform stagnation消导肠胃积滞 disperse and abduct gastrointestinal accumulation and stagnation消补兼施 disperse and supplement simultaneously消症 disperse concretions消症结 disperse concretions and binds消症瘕积聚 disperse concretions, conglommerations, accumulations, and gatherings消胀平喘 disperse distension and calm panting消胀 disperse distention消胀醒脾 disperse distention and arouse the spleen消食 disperse food消食导滞 disperse food and abduct stagnation消食下气 disperse food and precipitate qi4消食理气 disperse food and rectify qi4消食解酒 disperse food and resolve liquor消食化痰 disperse food and transform phlegm消食化滞 disperse food and transform stagnation消疳 disperse gan1消疳积 disperse gan1 accumulation消痞 disperse glomus消痞止痛 disperse glomus and relieve pain消痞化积 disperse glomus and transform accumulations消瘿瘰痰核 disperse goiter, scrofula, and phlegm nodes消谷 disperse grain消痰 disperse phlegm语际翻译 版权所有
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