祛邪存正 dispel evil and safeguard right祛邪扶正 dispel evil and support right祛邪 dispel evils祛外寒 dispel external cold祛肝风 dispel liver wind祛痰 dispel phlegm祛痰宣痹 dispel phlegm and diffise impediment祛痰开窍 dispel phlegm and open the orifices祛痰止嗽 dispel phlegm and suppress cough祛痰化浊 dispel phlegm and transform turbidity祛瘀 dispel stasis祛瘀消肿 dispel stasis and disperse swelling祛瘀生津 dispel stasis and engender liquid祛瘀排脓 dispel stasis and expel pus祛瘀通络 dispel stasis and free the network vessels祛瘀活血 dispel stasis and quicken the blood11祛瘀止血 dispel stasis and stanch bleeding祛瘀血 dispel static blood祛暑 dispel summerheat祛暑解表 dispel summerheat and resolve the exterior祛暑化浊 dispel summerheat and transform turbidity醒酒 dispel the effects of liquor祛毒 dispel toxin祛风 dispel wind祛风明目 dispel wind and brighten the eyes语际翻译 版权所有
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