冲任不调 disharmony of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels利水通淋 disihibit water and free strangury快 disinhibit利湿 disinhibit dampness利湿清热 disinhibit dampness and clear heat利湿健脾 disinhibit dampness and fortify the spleen淡渗利湿 disinhibit dampness by bland percolation利气 disinhibit qi4利气豁痰 disinhibit qi4 and sweep phlegm快利胸膈 disinhibit the chest and diaphragm利膈开郁 disinhibit the diaphragm and open depression利关节 disinhibit the joints滑利关节 disinhibit the joints利腰足 disinhibit the lumbs and feet利肺 disinhibit the lung利肺涤饮 disinhibit the lung and flush rheum利窍 disinhibit the orifices利小肠 disinhibit the small intestine利咽喉 disinhibit the throat利咽 disinhibit the throat利尿 disinhibit urine利小便 disinhibit urine利小便 disinhibit urine利尿通淋 disinhibit urine and free strangury利小便,实大便 disinhibit urine and harden the stool语际翻译 版权所有
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