- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 两栖动物毒液中毒 Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals
- 蛰伤致过敏性休克或反应 Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal
- 铜及其化合物的毒性效应 Toxic effect of copper and its compounds
- 腐蚀性酸的毒性效应 Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances
- 苛性碱意外中毒 Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances
- 其他和未特指的固体和液体物质中毒 Toxic effect of corrosive substance unspecified
- 氰化物的毒性效应 Toxic effect of cyanides
- 二氯甲烷的毒性效应 Toxic effect of Dichloromethane
- 乙醇的毒性效应 Toxic effect of ethanol
- 氟利昂的毒性效应 (X47.958) Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride
- 甲醛的毒性效应 Toxic effect of formaldehyde
- 杂醇油的毒性效应 Toxic effect of fusel oil
- 气体、烟雾和蒸气的毒性效应 NOS Toxic effect of gases fumes and vapours
- 脂肪族二元醇类的毒性效应 Toxic effect of glycols
- 脂环烃和芳香族烃的卤素衍生物的毒性效应 NOS Toxic effect of halog deriv of aliphatic & arom hydrocarbons
- 卤化杀虫剂的毒性效应 Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides
- 除草剂的毒性效应 Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides
- 苯类中毒 Toxic effect of homologues of benzene
- 氰化氢的毒性效应 Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide
- 硫化氢的毒性效应 (X47.962) Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide
- 浆果类食物中毒 Toxic effect of ingested berries
- 有毒蕈中毒 Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms
- 无机物的毒性效应 NOS Toxic effect of inorganic substance unspecified
- 酮类的毒性效应 Toxic effect of ketones
- 催泪气体的毒性效应 Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas