纹状体黑质变性 Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia进行性全身性硬皮病 Progressive systemic sclerosis网状红斑萎缩性毛囊炎 Progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy卵巢和输卵管脱垂和突出 Prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube子宫切除术后阴道穹窿脱垂 Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy尿道粘膜脱垂 Prolapsed urethral mucosa第一产程延长 Prolonged first stage (of labour)过期妊娠 Prolonged pregnancy第二产程延长 Prolonged second stage (of labour)幼淋巴细胞性白血病 (M98250/3) Prolymphocytic leukaemia招风耳 Prominent ear与恶性肿瘤有关的危险因素的预防性手术 Prophyl surgery for risk-factors related to mal
neoplasms预防性免疫疗法 Prophylactic immunotherapy预防措施 NOS Prophylactic measure unspecified未特指的预防性手术 Prophylactic surgery unspecified丙酸衍生物药引起的有害效应 Propionic acid derivatives前列腺膀胱炎 Prostatocystitis其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices其他灌注和辅助装置 Prosthetic and other implants materials & accessory devices 语际翻译 版权所有
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