空巢综合征 Problems of adjustment to life-cycle transitions与儿童据说身体被虐待有关的问题 Problems related to alleged physical abuse of child与在公共机构居住有关的问题 Problems related to living in residential institution与多产有关的问题 Problems related to multiparity其他与法律相关的问题 Problems related to other legal circumstances与从监狱释放的问题 Problems related to release from prison与不想要的妊娠有关的问题 Problems related to unwanted pregnancy与儿童据说受家族内成员的性虐待有关的问题 Probs rel alleged sex abuse child by person in prim sup grp与儿童据说受家族以外人员的性虐待有关的问题 Probs rel alleged sex abuse child by person out prim sup grp非以改善健康状况为目的的操作 Proc for purposes other than remedying health state非以改善健康状况为目的的操作 PROC FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN REMEDYING HEALTH STATE.由于信仰或群体压力病人不能进行操作 Proc not carried out ; pat's decision reasons belief/gp press由于病人的决定未进行操作 Proc not carried out because pat's dec oth unspec reasons ;由于禁忌症未进行外科操作 Procedure not carried out because of contraindication ;由于其他原因而未进行操作 Procedure not carried out for other reasons ;未进行操作 NOS Procedure not carried out unspecified reason ;生殖能力检查 Procreative investigation and testing生育问题 NOS Procreative management unspecified极重度精神发育迟滞,其他行为缺陷 Prof mental retard sig impairm behav req attent/treatment显著的极重度精神发育迟滞,需要加以治疗或关注 Prof mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav无或轻微的其他精神发育迟滞 Profound mental retard without mention of impairm behav极重度精神发育迟滞,未提及行为缺陷 Profound mental retardation other impairments of behaviour卡穆拉蒂-恩格尔曼综合征[骨干发育不良] Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia腹疝,伴有坏疽 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia进行性多灶性白质脑病 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy语际翻译 版权所有
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