- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 颅骨交界性恶性肿瘤 Dermatitis due to other substances taken internally
- 胫骨巨细胞瘤 (M92500/1) Dermatitis due to unspecified substance taken internally
- 颅咽管瘤(M93500/1) Dermatitis herpetiformis
- 眼眶结缔组织交界性肿瘤 Dermatitis unspecified
- 肿瘤病引起的皮肌炎 Dermato(poly)myositis in neopastic disease
- 胸壁交界恶性肿瘤 Dermatographic urticaria
- 未特指的皮真菌病 Dermatophytosis unspecified
- 皮多肌炎 NOS Dermatopolymyositis unspecified
- 对变应原脱敏的医疗照顾 Desensitization to allergens
- 毁胎手术分娩 Destructive operation for delivery
- 外耳道良性肿瘤 Developmental (nonodontogenic) cysts of oral region
- 特定性运动功能发育障碍 Developmental disorder of scholastic skills unspecified
- 发育性诵读困难 Developmental disorder of speech and language unspecified
- 颊部皮肤良性肿瘤 Developmental disorders of jaws
- 听道结缔组织良性肿瘤 Developmental odontogenic cysts
- 发育性卵巢囊肿 Developmental ovarian cyst
- 鼻甲肥大 Deviated nasal septum
- 右位心 Dextrocardia
- 迪格奥尔格综合征 Di George's syndrome
- 尿崩症 Diabetes insipidus
- 妊娠期发生的糖尿病 Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy
- 妊娠合并糖尿病 NOS Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy unspecified
- 糖尿病性关节病 Diabetic arthropathy
- 查加斯病引起的巨食管炎 Diabetic cataract
- 分类于他处的疾病引起的其他单神经病 Diabetic mononeuropathy