髋关节脱位 Dislocation of hip下颌关节脱位 Dislocation of jaw膝关节脱位 Dislocation of knee食管的其他特指疾病 Dislocation of lens腰椎脱位 Dislocation of lumbar vertebra肩胛带脱位 Dislocation of other and unspec parts of shoulder girdle其他和未指定部位的足脱位 Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of foot头部其他和未特指部位的脱位 Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of head其他颈椎脱位 NOS Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of neck胸部其他和未特指部位的脱位 Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of thorax髌骨脱位 Dislocation of patella桡骨头脱位 Dislocation of radial head骶髂关节和尾骨脱位 Dislocation of sacroiliac and sacrococcygeal joint鼻中隔软骨脱位 Dislocation of septal cartilage of nose肩关节脱位 Dislocation of shoulder joint胸锁关节脱位 Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint胸椎脱位 Dislocation of thoracic vertebra趾关节脱位 Dislocation of toe(s)趾关节脱位 DISLOCATION OF TOE(S).创伤性牙齿脱落 Dislocation of tooth腕关节脱位 Dislocation of wrist腕关节脱位 DISLOCATION OF WRIST腰部脊柱和骨盆其他和未特指部位的脱位 Dislocation oth and unspec parts of lumbar spine and pelvis躯干未特指关节和韧带的脱位、扭伤和劳损 Dislocation sprain & strain unspec joint & ligament trunk身体脱位、扭伤和劳损 NOS Dislocation sprain and strain of unspecified body region语际翻译 版权所有
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