横结肠良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of transverse colon为特指部位良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of unspecified site输尿管良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of ureter尿道良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of urethra泌尿系统(器官)良性肿瘤 NOS Benign neoplasm of urinary organ unspecified输卵管和子宫韧带良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of uterine tubes and ligaments阴道良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of vagina脊柱良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of vertebral column外阴良性肿瘤 Benign neoplasm of vulva慢性肝炎,未特指 Benign paroxysmal vertigo其他特指的原因引起的脑膜炎 Benign recurrent meningitis [Mollaret]苯并二氮卓基类安定药物引起的有害效应 Benzodiazepines苯并噻二嗪衍生物引起的有害效应 Benzothiadiazine derivatives脚气病 Beriberi石墨纤维化(肺的) Berylliosis颈动脉体交界恶性肿瘤 Besnier's prurigoβ型地中海贫血 Beta thalassaemia肱二头肌腱炎 Bicipital tendinitis双角子宫 Bicornate uterus大疱性扁平苔癣 Bifascicular block蝶鞍区脑膜良性肿瘤 Bilat inguinal hernia with obstruction without gangrene蝶骨嵴脑膜良性肿瘤 BILAT INGUINAL HERNIA WITH OBSTRUCTION WITHOUT GANGRENE颅中窝脑膜良性肿瘤 Bilateral femoral hernia with gangrene颅窝脑膜瘤 Bilateral femoral hernia with obstruction脑室脑膜良性肿瘤 Bilateral femoral hernia without obstruction or gangrene语际翻译 版权所有
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