心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting曼谷风月宝地 Good Woman of Bangkok, The秘密恋人 Good-bye, mama盗亦有道(四海好家伙) Goodfellas雾锁危情 Gorillas in the Mist血酒红场 Gorky Park高斯福德庄园 Gosford Park鬼马靓仔俏特务 Gotcha魂断仲夏夜 Gothic歌斯拉之世纪必杀阵 Gozilla Vs Destoryan毕业生 Graduate, The大峡谷—城市之光 Grand Canyon愤怒的葡萄 Grapes of Wrath, The油脂续集 Grease II鳄鱼河历险记 Great Alligator, The孤星血泪 Great Expectations爱情有刺(烈爱风云) Great Expectations傻老鼠与大笨狗 Great Mouse Detective, The北京故事 Great Wall, A戏王之王 Greatest Show on Earth, The绿卡情缘 Green Card穿梭劫绿宝 Green Ice食人族探秘 Green Inferno绿色奇迹 Green Mile, The难得有情郎 Green Ray, The