人鬼情未了(第六感生死恋) Ghost黑夜幽灵(暗夜猎杀) Ghost and The Darkness, The鬼狗杀手 Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai捉鬼敢死队(魔鬼克星) Ghostbusters捉鬼敢死队续集 Ghostbusters II密西西比鬼魂 Ghosts of Mississippi铁甲人 Giant Robo巨人 Giant, The钟点情人 Gift, The迷色布局 Gingerbread Man, The隔世琴缘 Gingko Bed傻妹闯情关 Girl from Petrovka, The移魂女郎 Girl, Interrupted青春劫 Girls靓女出租 Girls for Rent春思 Girls Longing for Love浪漫俏娇娃 Girls who Came to Munich超级星爸 Give Me a Break角斗士 Gladiator玻璃屋的秘密 Glass House, The玻璃动物园 Glass Menagerie, The拜金一族 Glengarry Glen Ross铁血娘子歌莉亚(夺命大反击) Gloria光荣 Glory猛鼠食人灭 Gnaw Food of the Gods II