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第二十七条 申请外观设计专利的,应当提交请求书以及该外观设计的图片或者照片等文件,并且应当写明使用该外观设计的产品及其所属的类别。    Article 27.??Where an app1ication for a patent for design is filed, a request, drawings or photographs of the design shall be submitted, and the product incorporating the design and the class to which that product be1ongs shall be indicated.
第二十八条 取得使用布图设计非自愿许可的自然人、法人或者其他组织应当向布图设计权利人支付合理的报酬,其数额由双方协商;双方不能达成协议的,由国务院知识产权行政部门裁决。    Article 28 Any natural person, legal entity or any other organisation that is granted the non-voluntary license for exploitation of the layout-design shall pay to the holder of right of the layout-design the reasonable exploitation fee, the amount of which shall be fixed by both parties in consultations. Where the parties fail to reach an agreement, the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council shall adjudicate.
第二十八条 因人民法院、仲裁委员会的法律文书或者人民政府的征收决定等,导致物权设立、变更、转让或者消灭的,自法律文书或者人民政府的征收决定等生效时发生效力。    Article 28 In case the creation, alteration, alienation or termination of a real right is resulted from a legal document of the people's court or arbitration committee or a requisition decision of the people's government, etc, the real right shall come into effect upon the effectiveness of the legal document or the requisition decision of the people's government.
第二十八条 具有重要历史、艺术、科学价值的文物,除经国务院批准运往国外展览的以外,一律禁止出境。    Article 28 It shall be prohibited to take out of the country any cultural relics of significant historical, artistic or scientific value, with the exception of those to be shipped abroad for exhibition with the approval of the State Council.
第二十八条 出版者、表演者、录音录像制作者、广播电台、电视台等依照本法取得他人的著作权使用权的,不得侵犯作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权和获得报酬权。    Article 28 Publishers, performers, producers of sound recordings and video recordings, radio stations, television stations and other entities who or which have, pursuant to this Law, obtained the right of exploitation included in the copyright of others, shall not prejudice such authors' rights of authorship, alteration, integrity and their right to remuneration.
第二十八条(处罚程序)体育行政部门作出行政处罚,应当出具行政处罚决定书。    Article 28 Punishment Procedure When administering administrative punishments, the physical cultural administrative departments shall make decisions on administrative punishments.
第二十八条 国家对优秀运动员在就业或者升学方面给予优待。    Article 28 The State grants preferential treatment to outstanding athletes in their employment and enrollment for schools.
第二十八条 申请外观设计专利的,必要时应当写明对外观设计的简要说明。    Article 28 Where an application for a patent for design is filed, a brief explanation of the design shall, when necessary, be indicated.
第二十八条 著作权法第二十二条第(三)项的规定,指在符合新闻报道目的的范围内,不可避免地再现已经发表的作品。    Article 28. Article 22(3) of the Law refers to unavoidable inclusion of published works as is justified by the purpose of reporting current events.
第二十八条 对核准注册前已经提出异议并经裁定的商标,不得再以相同的事实和理由申请裁定。    Article 28. Where a trademark, before its being approved for registration, has been the object of opposition and decision, no application for adjudication may be filed based on the same facts and grounds.
第二十八条 国务院专利行政部门收到专利申请文件之日为申请日。    Article 28.??The date on which the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council receives the application shall be the date of filing.
第二十九条 图书出版者出版图书应当和著作权人订立出版合同,并支付报酬。    Article 29 A book publisher who publishes a book shall conclude a publishing contract with, and pay remuneration to, the copyright owner.
第二十九条(民事责任)两个以上的举办人共同举办体育竞赛的,举办人之间承担连带责任。    Article 29 Civil Liability If more than two persons jointly sponsor sports contests, the sponsors shall bear joint and several responsibility.
第二十九条 因继承或者受遗赠取得物权的,自继承或者受遗赠开始时发生效力。    Article 29 In case real right is acquired through inheritance or bequest, it shall go into effect as of the beginning time of the inheritance or bequest.
第二十九条 国务院专利行政部门认为必要时,可以要求外观设计专利申请人提交使用外观设计的产品样品或者模型。    Article 29 The administrative department for patent under the State Council may, when considering it necessary, require the applicant for a patent for design to submit a sample or model of the product incorporating the design.
第二十九条 全国性的单项体育协会对本项目的运动员实行注册管理。    Article 29 The national sports association of an individual sport shall manage the registration of athletes of such sport.
第二十九条 有下列事迹的单位或者个人,由国家给予适当的精神鼓励或者物质奖励:    Article 29 The state shall give appropriate moral encouragement or material awards to units or persons for any of the following deeds:
第二十九条 布图设计权利人对国务院知识产权行政部门关于使用布图设计非自愿许可的决定不服的,布图设计权利人和取得非自愿许可的自然人、法人或者其他组织对国务院知识产权行政部门关于使用布图设计非自愿许可的报酬的裁决不服的,可以自收到通知之日起3个月内向人民法院起诉。    Article 29 Where the holder of right of the layout-design is not satisfied with the decision of the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council on granting the non-voluntary license for the exploitation of the layout-design and where the holder of right of the layout-design and the natural person, legal entity or any other organisation that is granted the non-voluntary license for exploitation of the layout-design are not satisfied with the adjudication regarding the remuneration payable to the holder of right of the layout-design for the exploitation thereof, they may institute legal proceedings in the People's Court within three months from the date of receipt of the notification.
第二十九条 商标评审委员会做出维持或者撤销注册商标的终局裁定后,应当书面通知有关当事人。    Article 29. After the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board has made a final adjudication either to maintain or to cancel a registered trademark, it shall notify the interested parties of the same in writing.
第二十九条 依照著作权法第二十二条第(六)、(七)项的规定使用他人已经发表的作品,不得影响作品的正常利用,也不得无故损害著作权人的合法权益。    Article 29. Making use of published works of other persons by virtue of Article 22 (6) and (7) shall not harm the normal exploitation of the works concerned and shall not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the copyright owners.
 第二十九条 申请人自发明或者实用新型在外国第一次提出专利申请之日起十二个月内,或者自外观设计在外国第一次提出专利申请之日起六个月内,又在中国就相同主题提出专利申请的,依照该外国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者依照相互承认优先权的原则,可以享有优先权。    Article 29.? Where , within twelve months from the date on which any applicant first filed in a foreign country an application for a Patent for invention or utility model, or within six months from the date on which any applicant first filed in a foreign country an application for a patent for design, he or it files in China an application for a patent for the same subject matter, he or it may, in accordance with any agreement concluded between the said foreign country and China, or in accordance with any international treaty to which both countries are party, or on the basis of the principle of mutual recognition of the right of priority, enjoy a right of priority.
第二条 本法所称的发明创造是指发明、实用新型和外观设计。    Article 2? ?In this Law, ""inventions-creations"" ?mean?? inventions, utility models and designs.
第三条 专利法和本细则规定的各种手续,应当以书面形式或者国务院专利行政部门规定的其他形式办理。    Article 3 All formalities provided in the Patent Law or these Rules shall be fulfilled in a written form or another form provided by the administrative department for patents under the State Council.
第三条 中国自然人、法人或者其他组织创作的布图设计,依照本条例享有布图设计专有权。    Article 3 Any Chinese natural person, legal entity or any other organisation shall, according to the Regulations, enjoys the exclusive right in the layout-design he or it invents.
第三条(主管和协管部门)市体委是本市体育竞赛的行政主管部门。    Article 3 Competent Departments and Assistant Departments The MPCSC is the administrative department in charge of this Municipality''s sports contests.
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