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第二十五条 国家鼓励、支持开展业余体育训练,培养优秀的体育后备人才。    Article 25 The State encourages and supports sparetime athletic training to foster reserve sports talents.
第二十五条 在国家出现紧急状态或者非常情况时,或者为了公共利益的目的,或者经人民法院、不正当竞争行为监督检查部门依法认定布图设计权利人有不正当竞争行为而需要给予补救时,国务院知识产权行政部门可以给予使用其布图设计的非自愿许可。    Article 25 Where a national emergency or any extraordinary state of affairs arises, or where the public interests so require, or the People's Court or the supervising and inspecting department against acts of unfair competition decides that the holder of right of layout-design is involved in an act of unfair competition and needs remedies, the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council may grant the non-voluntary license for the exploitation of the layout-design.
第二十五条 申请专利的发明涉及新的生物材料,该生物材料公众不能得到,并且对该生物材料的说明不足以使所属领域的技术人员实施其发明的,除应当符合专利法和本细则的有关规定外,申请人还应当办理下列手续:    Article 25 Where an application for a patent for invention involves a new biomaterial which is not available to the public, and the specification on this biomaterial is not enough to make the technicians who belong to this field to exploit the invention, the applicant shall, in addition to complying with the relevant provisions in the Patent Law and these Rules, fulfill the following formalities:
第二十五条 合同中著作权人未明确许可的权利,未经著作权人许可,另一方当事人不得行使。    Article 25 Without permission from the copyright owner, the other party to the contract shall not exercise the right which the copyright owner has notexplicitly licensed in the contract.
第二十五条 外国人的作品首先在中国境内发表的,其著作权保护期自首次发表之日起计算。    Article 25. In the case of works by foreign authors that have first published in China, the term of protection shall be calculated from the date of first publication of the work.
第二十五条 转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当共同向商标局提出申请。受让人应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。转让注册商标经核准后,予以公告。    Article 25. Where a registered trademark is assigned, both the assignor and assignee shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office. The assignee shall guarantee the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark is used. The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved.
第二十五条 对下列各项,不授予专利权:    Article 25? For any of the following, no patent right shall be granted:
第二十六条 参加国内、国际重大体育竞赛的运动员和运动队,应当按照公平、择优的原则选拔和组建。具体办法由国务院体育行政部门规定。    Article 26 Athletes and teams that participate in major national and international sports competitions shall be selected and formed on the principle of fairness and according to qualifications. Specific measures shall be formulated by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council.
第二十六条 银行、冶炼厂、造纸厂以及废旧物资回收部门,应与文化行政管理部门共同负责拣选出掺杂在金银器和废旧物资中的文物,除供银行研究所必需的历史货币可以由银行留用外,其余移交给文化行政管理部门处理。移交的文物须合理作价。    Article 26 Banks, smelteries, paper mills and departments for the recovery of old and waste materials shall assume responsibility, jointly with the departments for cultural administration, for sorting out cultural relics from among gold and silver articles and waste materials. The cultural relics thus obtained, except for coins and other kinds of currency of past ages which are needed by research institutes of the banks and which may be kept by the banks, shall be turned over to and placed at the disposal of the departments for cultural administration. The prices of the cultural relics turned over shall be reasonably assessed.
第二十六条 动产物权设立和转让前,第三人依法占有该动产的,负有交付义务的人可以通过转让请求第三人返还原物的权利代替交付。    Article 26 In case a third party has legally possessed the chattel prior to the establishment or alienation of a chattel's real right, the person assuming the obligation of delivery may, instead of delivery, alien the right to request the third party to return the original object.
第二十六条(体育行政部门实施的处罚)    Article 26 Penalties Enforced by Physical Cultural Administrative Departments
第二十六条 合同的有效期限不超过十年。合同期满可以续订。    Article 26 The term of validity of a contract shall not exceed ten years. The contract may be renewed on expiration of that term.
第二十六条 发明专利申请人依照本细则第二十五条的规定保藏生物材料样品的,在发明专利申请公布后,任何单位或者个人需要将该专利申请所涉及的生物材料作为实验目的使用的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提出请求,并写明下列事项:    Article 26 Where an applicant for a patent for invention has a sample of biomaterial deposited in accordance with Article 25 of these Rules, any entity or individual that intends to make use of the biomaterial for the purpose of experiment shall, after the application for a patent for invention has been published, make a request to the administrative department for patent under the State Council containing the following:
第二十六条 商标注册人可以通过签订商标使用许可合同,许可他人使用其注册商标。许可人应当监督被许可人使用其注册商标的商品质量。被许可人应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。    Article 26. Any trademark registrant may, by signing a trademark license contract, authorize other persons to use his registered trademark. The licensor shall supervise the quality of the goods in respect of which the licensee uses his registered trademark, and the licensee shall guarantee the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark is used.
第二十六条 著作权法所称已经发表的作品,指著作权人以著作权法规定的方式公之于众的作品。    Article 26. As used in the Law, a published work refers to a work which has been made known to the public by means stipulated in the Law.
第二十六条 申请发明或者实用新型专利的,应当提交请求书、说明书及其摘要和权利要求书等文件。    Article 26. Where an application for a patent for invention or utility model is filed, a request, a description and its abstract, and claims shall be submitted.
第二十七条 取得使用布图设计非自愿许可的自然人、法人或者其他组织不享有独占的使用权,并且无权允许他人使用。    Article 27 Any natural person, legal entity or any other organisation that is granted the non-voluntary license for exploitation of the layout-design does not enjoy the exclusive right to exploit, and shall not have the right to authorise exploitation by another person.
第二十七条 文物出口和个人携带文物出境,都必须事先向海关申报,经国家文化行政管理部门指定的省、自治区、直辖市文行政管理部门进行鉴定,并发给许可出口凭证。    Article 27 Cultural relics to be exported or to be taken out of the country by individuals must be declared to the Customs in advance and examined by the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government designated by the state department for cultural administration before export certificates are granted.
第二十七条 动产物权转让时,双方又约定由出让人继续占有该动产的,物权自该约定生效时发生效力。    Article 27 In case both parties agree to let the alienator continuously possess the chattel when the real right of a chattel is alienated, the real right shall go into effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement.
第二十七条 培养运动员必须实行严格、科学、文明的训练和管理;对运动员进行爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教育,以及道德和纪律教育。    Article 27 In nurturing athletes, training and management must be carried out in a strict, scientific and civilized way. Athletes shall be educated in patriotism, collectivism and socialism as well as in morality and discipline.
第二十七条(其他行政部门实施的处罚)    Article 27 Penalties Enforced by Other Administrative Departments
第二十七条 依照专利法第二十七条规定提交的外观设计的图片或者照片,不得小于3厘米×8厘米,并不得大于15厘米×22厘米。    Article 27 The size of drawings or photographs of a design submitted in accordance with Article 27 of the Patent Law shall not be smaller than 3cm * 8cm, nor larger than 15cm * 22cm.
第二十七条 使用作品的付酬标准由国务院著作权行政管理部门会同有关部门制定。    Article 27 The tariffs of remuneration for the exploitation of works shall be established by the copyright administration department under the State Council jointly with other departments concerned.
第二十七条 著作权法第二十二条第(二)项规定的适当引用他人已经发表的作品,必须具备下列条件:    Article 27. The following conditions have to be satisfied for an act to be deemed appropriate quotation of published works by act to be deemed appropriate quotation of published works by others mentioned in Article 22 (2) of the Law:
第二十七条 已经注册的商标,违反本法第八条规定的,或者是以欺骗手段或者其他不正当手段取得注册的,由商标局撤销该注册商标;其他单位或者个人可以请求商标评审委员会裁定撤销该注册商标。    Article 27. Where a registered trademark stands in violation of the provisions of Article 8 of this Law, or the registration of a trademark was acquired by fraud or any other unfair means, the Trademark Office shall cancel the registered trademark in question; and any other organization or individual may request the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to make an adjudication to cancel such a registered trademark.
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