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中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)计算机程序:指为了得到某种结果而可以由计算机等具有信息处理能力的装置执行的代码化指令序列,或者可被自动转换成代码化指令序列的符号化指令序列或者符号化语句序列。    (1) Computer programs: refers to coded instructional sequences-or those symbol ic instructional sequences or numeric language sequences which can be automatically converted into coded instructional sequences-which are for the purpose of obtaining a certain result and which are operated on information processing equipment such as computers.
(十)对设置或者陈列在室外公共场所的艺术作品进行临摹、绘画、摄影、录像;    (10) copying, drawing, photographing, or video recording of an artistic work located or on display in an outdoor public place;
(十一)编辑,指根据特定要求选择若干作品或者作品的片断汇集编排成为一部作品;    (11) Compilation is the creation of a work by assembling a number of selected pre-existing works, in whole or in parts, according to an arrangement designed for a specific purpose;
(十四)专利权人的姓名或者名称、地址的变更;    (14) changes on the name or address of the patent holder;
(二)来自对其作品不予保护的国家的复制品。    (2) copies coming from a country where their works are not protected.
(二)在依据前项评价、分析受保护的布图设计的基础上,创作出具有独创性的布图设计的;    (2) Creating an original layout-design on the basis of the foregoing purposes of evaluation and analysis of the protected layout-design; and
(三)历法、数表、通用表格和公式。    (3) calendars, numerical tables, forms of general use and formulas.
(五)电影、电视、录像作品;    (5) cinematographic, television and video-graphic works;
(六)舞蹈作品,指通过连续的动作、姿势、表情表现的作品;    (6) Choreographic works are works which are or can be expressed in successive body movements, gestures and facial movements;
(六)未经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意复制或者部分复制其软件作品;    (6) Copying software, in whole or in part, without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee;
(64)在高等学校开设知识产权相关课程,将知识产权教育纳入高校学生素质教育体系。制定并实施全国中小学知识产权普及教育计划,将知识产权内容纳入中小学教育课程体系。    (64) Courses relevant to intellectual property shall be provided in universities and the education on intellectual property shall be included in the quality-oriented education system for university students. Intellectual property popularization and education programs shall be made out and carried out for students at middle and primary schools, and contents relevant to intellectual property shall be included in programs for middle and primary school education.
(八)专利实施的强制许可;    (8) compulsory license for exploitation of the patent;
(八)计算机软件;    (8) computer software;
(九)专利权人的姓名或者名称、国籍和地址的变更。    (9) changes on the name, nationality or address of the patent holder.
(九)电影、电视、录像作品,指摄制在一定物质上,由一系列有伴音或者无伴音的画面组成,并且借助适当装置放映、播放的作品;    (9) Cinematographic, television and videographic works are works which, being recorded on some material, consist of a series of frames of images, with or without accompanying sound, and can be projected with the aid of devices suitable in relation to a specific works;
(二)举办人的批准设立、登记注册等有关证明材料;    2. Credentials relevant to the sponsor''s approved establishment and registration;
(三)版权。    3. Copyright
(四)竞赛经费来源的证明;    4. Certificates defining financial resources of the contest;
四、炼铜、造纸和废品收购等部门,不要把文物当废品处理,应当配合文物部门进行拣选。    4. Copper refineries, paper mills and salvage stations shall see to it that the cultural relics found from among the recovered waste materials are not disposed of as waste materials, but shall co-ordinate with the cultural relics department, in sorting them out.
(五)培育知识产权文化。    5. Cultivating intellectual property culture
五、文物商品应在指定的北京、上海、天津、广州四个口岸出口,须经文物部门鉴定、准许出口,海关始能放行。    5. Cultural relics commodities shall be exported via the four designated ports of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangzhou and the Customs shall grant clearance only on condition that the commodities have been assessed and approved as exportable by the cultural relics department.
六、文化、外贸、商业等有关部门,要积极宣传文物保护政策,防止破坏古墓和古遗址等。    6. Cultural, foreign trade and commercial departments and other departments concerned shall actively publicize the policy for the protection of cultural relics and protect ancient tombs and historical cultural sites from damage or destruction.
(五)商业利用,是指为商业目的进口、销售或者以其他方式提供受保护的布图设计、含有该布图设计的集成电路或者含有该集成电路的物品的行为。    ?(5) Commercial exploitation means an act of importing, selling, or otherwise distributing for commercial purposes a protected layout-design, an integrated circuit incorporating a protected layout-design or an article incorporating an integrated circuit.
第四章 布图设计专有权的行使    ?Chapter IV Exercise of the Exclusive Rights in Layout-design
第一章 总 则    Chapter I General Provisions
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