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中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一) 土地所有权;    (1) ownership of land;
(十七)其他有关事项。    (17) other relevant matters.
(二)口述作品,指即兴的演说、授课、法庭辩论等以口头语言创作、未以任何物质载体固定的作品;    (2) Oral works are works, such as unprepared speeches, lectures and court debates, which are created in spoken words and have not been fixed on any material carrier;
(二)口述作品;    (2) oral works;
(二)其他依照本法享有著作权的公民、法人或者非法人单位。    (2) other citizens, legal persons and entities without legal personality enjoying copyright in accordance with this Law.
(三) 超出登记职责范围的其他行为。    (3) other behaviors conducted beyond its scope of registration duties.
(三) 当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形;    (3) Other circumstances as stipulated by the parties concerned occurs for realizing the mortgage right; or
(四) 法律、行政法规规定的其他职责。    (4) other duties as provided for in any law or administrative regulation.
(四) 集体所有的其他不动产和动产。    (4) Other realties and chattels that are in the ownership of collective.
(五) 法律规定的其他事项。    (5) other issues provided for by any law.
(六) 法律、行政法规规定不得抵押的其他财产。    (6) other properties that cannot be mortgaged as prescribed by any law or administrative regulation.
(七) 有关共有和共同管理权利的其他重大事项。    (7) other important matters on the common ownership and the common management right.
(七) 法律、行政法规未禁止抵押的其他财产。    (7) other properties not prohibited from being mortgaged by any law or administrative regulation.
(七) 法律、行政法规规定可以出质的其他财产权利。    (7) other property rights that can be pledged as prescribed by any law or administrative regulation.
(7)近五年的目标是:    (7)???? Objectives in the coming five years are as follows:
(八)其他需要注明的有关事项。    (8) other related matters which need to be indicated.
(九)法律、行政法规规定的其他作品。    (9) other works as provided for in law and administrative rules and regulations.
一、文物出口界限和鉴定标准。    1. On the limits of export and the standards for assessment with respect to cultural relics.
(一)举办本区、县的体育竞赛,举办人应当在开赛的30日前向举办人所在地的区、县体育行政部门申报登记,区、县体育行政部门应当自收到登记申请之日起15日内作出准予登记或者不予登记的决定。    1. Organizing a sports contest in the local district or county, the sponsor must apply for registration 30 days before the start of contest to the district or county physical cultural administrative department where the sponsor resides, whereupon and the district or county physical cultural administrative department must make a decision on approval or disapproval of registration within 15 days from the date of receiving the registration application.
二、文物商业的管理和经营分工。    2. On the division of work as to the administration and the business operations in the business of cultural relics.
(二)举办跨区、县或者全市性的体育竞赛,举办人应当在开赛的60日前向市体委申报登记,市体委应当自收到登记申请之日起15日内作出准予登记或者不予登记的决定。    2. Organizing a cross-district/county or a citywide sports contest, the sponsor must apply 60 days before the start of contest for registration to the MPCSC, which must make a decision on approval or disapproval of the registration within 15 days from the date of receiving the application for registration.
(三)举办跨省市或者全国性的体育竞赛,举办人应当在开赛的90日前向市体委申报登记,市体委应当自收到登记申请之日起30日内作出准予登记或者不予登记的决定。    3. Organizing a city, province, or nation-wide sports contest, the sponsor must apply 90 days before the start of contest for registration to the MPCSC, which must make a decision on approval or disapproval of the registration within 30 days from the date of receiving the application for registration.
(四)举办国际性或者香港特别行政区、澳门地区、台湾地区的运动队和运动员参赛的体育竞赛,举办人应当在开赛的6个月前向市体委申报登记,市体委应当自收到登记申请之日起30日内作出准予登记或者不予登记的决定。    4. Organizing an international sports contest or a sports contest with team or individual contestants form Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao and Taiwan regions, the sponsor must apply 6 months before the start of contest for registration to the MPCSC, which must make a decision on approval or disapproval of the registration within 30 days from the date of receiving the application for registration.
对于乾隆六十年(一七九五年)以后按标准可以出口的文物,如属价值较高,数量较少的(包括有代表性的现代艺术作品)要从严掌握。    Of those cultural relics in existence after the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of the Qian Long Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (i.e. 1795 A.D.) that may be exported in accordance with the existing standards, the more valuable and rare ones (including representative modern art works), shall be put under strict restrictions.
在此基础上,国家文物行政管理部门要编制全国国有馆藏文物总目录。    On this basis, the department of administration of cultural relics of the State should compile general catalogs of the state-owned collections of cultural relics nationwide.
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