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中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(12)推动企业成为知识产权创造和运用的主体。促进自主创新成果的知识产权化、商品化、产业化,引导企业采取知识产权转让、许可、质押等方式实现知识产权的市场价值。充分发挥高等学校、科研院所在知识产权创造中的重要作用。选择若干重点技术领域,形成一批核心自主知识产权和技术标准。鼓励群众性发明创造和文化创新。促进优秀文化产品的创作。    (12) Enterprises shall be promoted to be the subject for creation and utilization of intellectual property. Enterprises shall be hastened to transform their independent innovative achievements into intellectual properties, making them commercialized and industrialized, and be guided to realize the market value of their intellectual properties in manners of transference, licensing and mortgage of intellectual properties. The critical roles of universities and scientific research institutions in creation of intellectual properties shall be fully played. Some main technical areas shall be selected to form core independent intellectual properties and technical criteria. Public invention and cultural innovation are encouraged. Creation of excellent cultural products is under encouragement.
(22)支持企业实施商标战略,在经济活动中使用自主商标。引导企业丰富商标内涵,增加商标附加值,提高商标知名度,形成驰名商标。鼓励企业进行国际商标注册,维护商标权益,参与国际竞争。    (22) Enterprises are supported to implement their trademark strategies and use own trademark in economic activities. Enterprises are advised to enrich connotation of their trademarks, add additional value to their trademarks, and improve popularity of their trademarks to become famous trademarks. Enterprises are encouraged to undertake international trademark registrations to safeguard rights and interests of their trademarks and participate in international competition.
(三) 学校、幼儿园、医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体的教育设施、医疗卫生设施和其他社会公益设施;    (3) educational, medical, healthy and other public welfare facilities of such institutions and social groups with the aim of benefiting the public as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc;
(39)促进国防知识产权有效运用。完善国防知识产权保密解密制度,在确保国家安全和国防利益基础上,促进国防知识产权向民用领域转移。鼓励民用领域知识产权在国防领域运用。    (39) Effective utilization of national defense intellectual properties shall be boosted. We shall perfect classification and declassification systems for national defense intellectual property, promote transference of national defense intellectual properties for civil use when ensuring national security and interests of national defense, and encourage application of intellectual properties used in civil areas in national defense area.
(四)展览,指公开陈列美术作品、摄影作品的原件或者复制件;    (4) Exhibition is the public display of works of fine art and photography, whether their original copies or reproductions;
(五)未经著作权人许可,以表演、播放、展览、发行、摄制电影、电视、录像或者改编、翻译、注释、编辑等方式使用作品的,本法另有规定的除外;    (5) exploiting a work by performance, broadcasting, exhibition, distribution, making cinematographic, television or video productions, adaptation, translation, annotation, and compilation, or by other means, without the permission of the copyright owner, unless otherwise provided in this Law;
(54)完善知识产权中介服务管理,加强行业自律,建立诚信信息管理、信用评价和失信惩戒等诚信管理制度。规范知识产权评估工作,提高评估公信度。    (54) Efforts shall be made to improve intermediary services for intellectual property, reinforce trade self-discipline, establish integrity administration systems such as an integrity information administration system, a credit rating system and a punishment system for breach of credit, and regulate appraisal for intellectual property to improve public trust.
(六)使用他人作品,未按照规定支付报酬的;    (6) exploiting a work created by others without paying remuneration as prescribed by regulations;
(八)未经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意向任何第三方办理其软件的许可使用或者转让事宜。    (8) Effecting the licensing or transfer of software to a third party without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee.
(9)健全知识产权执法和管理体制。加强司法保护体系和行政执法体系建设,发挥司法保护知识产权的主导作用,提高执法效率和水平,强化公共服务。深化知识产权行政管理体制改革,形成权责一致、分工合理、决策科学、执行顺畅、监督有力的知识产权行政管理体制。    (9)???? Enforcement and administration systems on intellectual property shall be improved. Efforts shall be made in enhancing the building of law protection system and administrative enforcement system, exerting the function of law protection of intellectual properties as the main means, raising enforcing efficiency and level and reinforcing public service. The reform of administrative enforcement system on intellectual property shall be deepened, so as to form a system featured by unity of rights and responsibilities, reasonable division of labor, scientific decision-making, smooth enforcement and effective supervision.
(二)鼓励知识产权转化运用。    2. Encouraging transformation and application of intellectual properties
(三)加强知识产权保护。    3. Enhancing intellectual property protection
八、企事业单位要把保护知识产权作为建立现代企业制度和现代科研院所制度的一项重要内容,增强知识产权意识,遵守知识产权法律法规,把加强知识产权保护纳入本单位的研究开发、生产经营和内部管理工作并形成相应的制度。    8. Enterprises and institutions should take the protection of intellectual property as an important content of establishing a modern system of enterprises and a modern system of scientific research institutes, heighten their consciousness of intellectual property, abide by the intellectual property laws and regulations, channel the strengthening of intellectual property protection into line with their own work in research, development, production, operation and internal management, and shaping these into corresponding systems.
(九)扩大知识产权对外交流合作。    9. Enlarging overseas exchange and cooperation on intellectual property
一项发明或者实用新型应当只有一个独立权利要求,并写在同一发明或者实用新型的从属权利要求之前。    Each invention or utility model shall have only one independent claim, which shall precede all the subordinate claims of the same invention or utility model.
修改的专利申请文件应当提交一式两份。    Each of the amended patent application documents shall be in duplicate.
要针对本行业科技、经济发展的实际情况,积极开展行业知识产权战略和管理的研究工作,指导全行业的产品结构调整和科研生产工作。    Each trade should, according to its actual state of scientific, technological and economic development, actively carry out studies on its own intellectual property strategy and management in order to lend guidance to the adjustment of the product catalogue, scientific research and production throughout the trade.
要在广泛、深入、持久地宣传有关文物保护的法律法规的同时,强化执法力度,着力抓好对法人违法案件的处理,追究当事人和责任人的行政或法律责任。    Efforts should be intensified in law enforcement while conducting extensive, in-depth and lasting publicity of laws and regulations related to the protection of cultural relics and exertions made to the proper handling of corporate law-breaking cases, and investigation of administrative and legal liabilities of the parties and responsible persons.
努力建立适应社会主义市场经济体制要求、遵循文物工作自身规律、国家保护为主并动员全社会参与的文物保护体制。    Efforts should be made to the building of the structure for the protection of cultural relics commensurate with the requirements of the socialist market economic system, observing the inherent laws of the work related to cultural relics, and putting state protection first and mobilizing the whole society to participate.
企事业单位要把知识产权法律纳入本单位的普法教育计划。    Enterprises and institutions should bring intellectual property law into line with their educational plans for popularization of legal knowledge.
要为公益性文物、博物馆事业单位创造有利于把社会效益放在首位的环境和条件,在资金上给予必要保证,在文化经济政策上给予支持。    Environment and conditions instrumental to putting social benefits first should be created for non-profit institutions and units of cultural relics and museums, necessary guarantee is given in funds and support provided in cultural and economic policies.
作品完成两年后,单位可以在其业务范围内继续使用。    Even after the expiry of the said 2 years, the institution may continue with use of the work in the course of its business.
合作开发者对软件著作权的行使按照事前的书面协议进行。    Exercise of the copyright co-developers shall be carried out in accordance with any written agreement reached prior to creation of the software.
文物保护和考古调查、勘探、发掘经费,要列入建设工程投资预算。    expenditures for the protection of cultural relics, archaeological investigations, explorations and excavations should be included in the investment budget of construction projects.
文物的利用必须服从和服务于社会主义精神文明建设的需要,坚持把社会效益放在首位,努力实现社会效益和经济效益的统一。    Exploitation of cultural relics must be subordinated to and serve the requirements of the building of socialist spiritual civilization, persist in putting social benefits first and strive for the realization of unification of social benefits and economic benefits.
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