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中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一) 土地承包方案以及将土地发包给本集体以外的单位或者个人承包;    (1) land contracting plan and whether to contract out a land to an entity or individual not included in the collective;
(一) 法律规定属于集体所有的土地和森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂;    (1) Lands, forests, mountains, grasslands, wastelands and tidal flats that shall be in the ownership of collective as provided for by law;
(一)法律、法规,国家机关的决议、决定、命令和其他具有立法、行政、司法性质的文件,及其官方正式译文;    (1) laws; regulations; resolutions, decisions and orders of state organs; other documents of legislative, administrative and judicial nature; and their official translations;
(13)修订惩处侵犯知识产权行为的法律法规,加大司法惩处力度。提高权利人自我维权的意识和能力。降低维权成本,提高侵权代价,有效遏制侵权行为。    (13) Laws and regulations aiming at punishing intellectual property infringements shall be amended to intensify judicial punishment. Efforts shall be made to improve the sense and ability of self-safeguarding of holders of the right, decrease costs for protection of rights and raise costs for infringement so as to reduce infringing acts effectively.
(21)切实保护商标权人和消费者的合法权益。加强执法能力建设,严厉打击假冒等侵权行为,维护公平竞争的市场秩序。    (21) Legitimate rights and interests of trademark owners and consumers shall be properly protected. We shall strengthen law enforcement to severely punish infringing acts such as counterfeiting, so as to maintain market order for fair competition.
(七)长期从事文物工作有显著成绩的。    (7) long-time service and outstanding achievements in the field of cultural relics.
(8)进一步完善知识产权法律法规。及时修订专利法、商标法、著作权法等知识产权专门法律及有关法规。适时做好遗传资源、传统知识、民间文艺和地理标志等方面的立法工作。加强知识产权立法的衔接配套,增强法律法规可操作性。完善反不正当竞争、对外贸易、科技、国防等方面法律法规中有关知识产权的规定。    (8)???? Laws and regulations on intellectual property shall be further improved. Special laws and relevant regulations on patent law, trademark law, copyright law and etc shall be amended in time. Legislation works with respect to generic resources, traditional knowledge, folk literature and geographical indications shall be done timely. Linkage and matching of intellectual property legislation shall be reinforced to improve feasibility of such laws and regulations. Provisions concerning intellectual property in laws and regulations in respect of anti-unfair competition, foreign trade, science and technology, and national defense.
(一)在中国政府主办或者承认的国际展览会上首次展出的;    (l) where it was first exhibited at an international exhibition sponsored or recognized by the Chinese Government;
(一)专利权人制造、进口或者经专利权人许可而制造、进口的专利产品或者依照专利方法直接获得的产品售出后,使用、许诺销售或者销售该产品的;    (l) Where, after the sale of a patented product that was made or? imported by the patentee or with the authorization of the patentee, or of a product that was directly obtained by using the patented process, any other person uses, offers to sell or sells that product;
(五)竞赛场所使用意向书;    5. Letters of intent on using the premises for the contest;
(二)集成电路布图设计(以下简称布图设计),是指集成电路中至少有一个是有源元件的两个以上元件和部分或者全部互连线路的三维配置,或者为制造集成电路而准备的上述三维配置;    ?(2) Layout-design of integrated circuits (hereinafter referred to as layout-design) means the three-dimensional disposition of the elements, at least one of which is an active element, and two or more of the interconnections of an integrated circuit, or such a three-dimensional disposition prepared for an integrated circuit for manufacture;
中华人民共和国文物保护法    Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics
中华人民共和国体育法    Law of the PRC on Physical Culture and Sports
地方各级文化行政管理部门,应分别建立本行政区域内的馆藏文物档案;国家文化行政管理部门应建立国家一级文物藏品档案。    Local departments for cultural administration at various levels shall compile files for the cultural relics in the collection of cultural institutions in their respective administrative areas; the state department for cultural administration shall compile files for Grade One cultural relics of the state.
地方各级人民政府保护本行政区域内的文物。各省、自治区、直辖市和文物较多的自治州、县、自治县、市可以设立文物保护管理机构,管理本行政区域内的文物工作。    Local people's governments at various levels shall place under their protection cultural relics in their respective administrative areas. Provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties and cities where there are relatively large amounts of cultural relics may set up organs for the protection and control of the cultural relics within their respective administrative areas.
地方各级人民政府特别是文物比较集中地方的人民政府,在把文物作为地方优势加以利用的同时,要防止因单纯追求经济利益而损害文物的做法。    Local People’s Governments at all levels and in particular those People’s Governments of the localities where there are concentration of cultural relics must guard against the practices of seeking pure economic interests to the damage of cultural relics while exploiting the cultural relics as a local advantage.
地方各级人民政府和有关部门要本着既有利于文物保护,又有利于经济建设和提高人民群众生活水平的原则,妥善处理文物保护与经济建设以及人民群众切身利益的一些局部性矛盾,把古文化遗址特别是大型遗址的保护纳入当地城乡建设和土地利用规划;    Local People’s Governments at all levels and the departments concerned should, in accordance with the principle of being conducive to both the protection of cultural relics, economic construction and the improvement in the living standards of the people, satisfactorily handle a number of local contradictions between the protection of cultural relics and economic construction as well as the practical interests of the masses and integrate the protection of ancient cultural sites especially the large sites into local urban and rural construction plans and land utilization plans;
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