痰火痉 phlegm-fire tetany痰火耳鸣 phlegm-fire tinnitus痰火 phlegm-fire [sore]涤痰汤 Phlegm-Flushing Decoction痰食 phlegm-food痰食积聚 phlegm-food accumulations and gatherings痰热 phlegm-heat痰热内蕴 phlegm-heat brewing internally痰热结胸 phlegm-heat chest bind痰热结胸证 phlegm-heat chest bind pattern痰热壅肺 phlegm-heat congesting the lung痰热内扰 phlegm-heat harassing the inner body痰热上扰 phlegm-heat harassing the upper body痰热内闭 phlegm-heat internal block痰热内闭 phlegm-heat internal block痰热犯鼻 phlegm-heat invading the nose痰热郁肺 phlegm-heat lying depressed in the lung痰热阻肺 phlegm-heat obstructing the lung痰热动风 phlegm-heat stirring wind痰气郁结 phlegm-qi4 bind痰饮 phlegm-rheum痰饮腹痛 phlegm-rheum abdominal pain痰饮恶寒 phlegm-rheum aversion to cold痰饮内停 phlegm-rheum collecting internally痰饮咳嗽 phlegm-rheum cough语际翻译 版权所有
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