形寒怕冷 physical cold and fear of cold形寒怯冷 physical cold and fear of cold真睛破损 physical damage to the eye形倦神疲 physical fatigue and lassitude of spirit形倦神怠 physical fatigue and lassitude of spirit形 physical form/body\HALT \NOUN形脏 physical viscus郎 physician医 physician医生 physician医师 physician世医 physician of long family tradition历代医家 physicians over the ages华山参 physochlaina商陆花 phytolacca flower商陆粥 Phytolacca Gruel商陆 phytolacca [root]章柳根 phytolacca [root]当陆 phytolacca [root]按之凹陷,举手即起 pi tting that disappears as soon as pressure is released僻 pi4软膜 pia mater采 pick挑破 pick open拣 pick out语际翻译 版权所有
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