痰包 phlegm pouch鼻窦痰包 phlegm pouch in the nasal sinuses耳壳痰包 phlegm pouch of the oracle痰气凝滞 phlegm qi4 congealing and stagnating痰气逆满 phlegm qi4 counterflow fullness痰鸣 phlegm rale喉中痰鸣 phlegm rale in the throat喉中痰声 phlegm rale in the throat痰声如锯 phlegm rale like the sound of a saw痰厥 phlegm reversal痰厥头痛 phlegm reversal headache痰瘰 phlegm scrofula痰滞恶阻 phlegm stagnation malign obstruction痰中 phlegm strike (stroke)化痰 phlegm transformation痰浊 phlegm turbidity痰浊蒙蔽心窍 phlegm turbidity clouding the orifices of the heart痰浊内蒙心包 phlegm turbidity clouding the pericardium痰浊蒙蔽心包 phlegm turbidity clouding the pericardium痰浊上蒙 phlegm turbidity clouding the upper body痰浊壅塞 phlegm turbidity congestion痰浊上泛 phlegm turbidity flooding upward痰浊上扰 phlegm turbidity harassing the upper body痰浊中阻 phlegm turbidity obstructing the center痰浊阻肺 phlegm turbidity obstructing the lung语际翻译 版权所有
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