- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 盐汤探吐方 Mechanical Ejection Brine
- 机 mechanism\HALT \NOUN
- 正 medial
- 正头痛 medial headache
- 合骨 medial malleolus
- 内踝 medial malleolus
- 贵要正中静脉 median basilic vein
- 头正中静脉 median cephalic vein
- 纵隔 mediastinum
- 医书 medical book
- 医林 medical circles
- 医经 medical classic
- 医经医史 medical classics and medical history
- 医话 medical discussion
- 冷庐医话 Medical Discussions of the Cold Shack
- 医方集解 Medical Formulas Gathered and Explained
- 医学心悟 Medical Insights
- 医悟柴葛解肌汤 Medical Insights Bupleurum and Pueraria Flesh-Resolving Decoction
- 心悟透脓散 Medical Insights Pus-Outthrusting Powder
- 校正医书局 Medical Literature Correction Office
- 医物 medical matters
- 医方考 Medical Remedies Researched
- 医方考} Medical Remedies Researched
- 医圣 medical sage
- 医论 medical treatise