- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 沮 marsh\HALT \NOUN
- 泽 marsh\HALT \NOUN
- 貂 marten
- 貂尾 marten's tail
- 武 martial
- 武火 martial fire
- 武痴 martial mania
- 风藤 Martin's fig root and stem
- 按摩 massage
- 按蹻 massage
- 小儿推拿 massage manipulation for children
- 大头伤寒 massive head cold damage
- 大头瘟 massive head scourge
- 大头风 massive head wind
- 大 massive\HALT \ADJ
- 推拿疗法 massotherapy
- 乳腺痛 mastalgia
- 雷公炮炙论 Master Lei2>'s Treatise on Drug Processing
- 八脉交会穴 master points of the eight vessels
- 乳腺炎 mastitis
- 席 mat
- 茵 mat
- 无比山药丸 Matchless Dioscorea Pill
- 本草 materia medica
- 料 material