- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 药 medicine
- 药铺 medicine shop
- 卖药所 medicine store
- 治喉痛药 medicinical treating sore throat
- 庸 mediocre
- 中品 medium grade
- 迎 meet head-on
- 会屈 Meeting Bend
- 会骨 Meeting Bones
- 会涌 Meeting Gush
- 会额 Meeting of the Forehead
- 会阳 Meeting of Yang2
- 会阴 meeting of yin1
- 会阴 Meeting of Yin1
- 腑会 meeting place of the bowels
- 筋会 meeting place of the sinew
- 会穴 meeting point
- 气会 meeting point of qi4
- 血会 meeting point of the blood
- 骨会 meeting point of the bone
- 髓会 meeting point of the marrow
- 宗筋之会 meeting point of the sinews
- 脉会 meeting point of the vessels
- 脏会 meeting point of the viscera
- 会原 Meeting Source