- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 内实 internal repletion
- 内饮 internal rheum
- 瘀血内阻 internal static blood obstruction
- 内蒸 internal steaming
- 外科补法 internal supplementation
- 内补丸 Internal Supplementation Pill
- 内毒 internal toxin
- 串雅内编 Internal Treatments of Folk Medicine
- 内烦 internal vexation
- 内痈 internal welling-abscess
- 内风 internal wind
- 内 internal\HALT \ADJ
- 截疟 interrupt malaria
- 截 interrupt\HALT \VERB
- 交仪 Intersection Apparatus
- 交仪 Intersection Apparatus
- 交冲 Intersection Hub
- 交会穴 intersection point
- 交信 Intersection Reach
- 交冲 Intersection Surge
- 交 intersect\HALT
- 腠 interstice
- 腠理 interstices
- 肌腠 interstices of the flesh
- 肉腠 interstices of the flesh