- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 内托 internal drawing
- 内燥 internal dryness
- 内耳 internal ear
- 内在性子宫内膜异位症 internal endomeriosis
- 托里 internal expression
- 内托散 Internal Expulsion
- 托里定痛汤 Internal Expulsion and Pain-Relieving Decoction
- 托里透脓汤 Internal Expulsion Pus-Expelling Decoction
- 托里消毒饮 Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Beverage
- 托里消毒散 Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Powder
- 内火 internal fire
- 内伤饮食痉 internal food damage tetany
- 内热 internal heat
- 内热消渴 internal heat dispersion-thirst
- 热邪内闭 internal heat evil block
- 内热耗灼津液 internal heat scorching liquid and humor
- 内痔 internal hemorrhoid
- 内伤 internal injury
- 颈内静脉 internal jugular vein
- 内科疾病 internal medical diseases
- 内科症状 internal medicine symptoms
- 内治法 internal method of treatment
- 内障 internal obstruction
- 痰火内闭 internal phlegm turbidity block
- 痰浊内闭 internal phlegm turbidity block