- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 内外痔 internal and external hemorrhoids
- 内闭 internal block
- 内闭外脱 internal block and outward desertion
- 内闭昏厥 internal block clouding reversal
- 阴络伤则血内溢 internal blood spillage due to damage to yin1 network vessels
- 内吹 internal blowing
- 内吹乳痈 internal blowing mammary welling-abscess
- 颈内动脉 internal carotid artery
- 内因 internal cause
- 内寒 internal cold
- 内疏黄连汤 Internal Coursing Coptis Decoction
- 内伤 internal damage
- 内伤七情 internal damage by the seven affects
- 内伤咳嗽 internal damage cough
- 内伤头痛 internal damage headache
- 内伤发热 internal damage heat [effusion] (fever)
- 内伤腰痛 internal damage lumbar pain
- 内伤不得卧 internal damage sleeplessness
- 内伤胃脘痛 internal damage stomach duct pain
- 内湿 internal dampness
- 里湿 internal dampness
- 瘀血内郁 internal depression of static blood
- 外科消法 internal dispersion
- 内消散 Internal Dispersion Powder
- 内消 internal dispersion-thirst