心神 heart spirit心神失养 heart spirit deprived of nourishment心神失守 heart spirit failing to keep its composure心神浮越 heart spirit floating astray心藏神 heart stores the spirit心汗 heart sweating心劳 heart taxation心系 heart tie心脏移植 heart transplant心俞 Heart Transport心虚 heart vacuity心虚胆怯 heart vacuity and gallbladder timidity心虚肝郁 heart vacuity and liver depression心脉痹阻 heart vessel obstruction心烦 heart vexation心水 heart water心痿 heart wilting心虫病 heart worm disease心阳 heart yang2心阳血虚 heart yang2 and blood vacuity心阳血虚证 heart yang2 and blood vacuity pattern心阳下交于肾 heart yang2 failing to interact with the kidney心阳虚 heart yang2 vacuity心阳虚脱 heart yang2 vacuity desertion心阴 heart yin1语际翻译 版权所有
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