心痹 heart impediment心恶热 heart is averse to heat心合小肠 heart is connected with the small intestine心合脉 heart is connected with the vessels食医心鉴 Heart Mirror of Diet Therapy心疝 heart mounting心杂音 heart murmur心开窍于舌 heart opens at the tongue心痛 heart pain心疼 heart pain心痛血滞 heart pain and blood stagnation心痛彻背 heart pain stretching through to the back心悸 heart palpitations心的证候 heart patterns心脉洪 heart pulse is surging心气 heart qi4心气血两虚 heart qi4 and blood vacuity心气阴两虚 heart qi4 and yin1 vacuity心气热 heart qi4 heat心气虚 heart qi4 vacuity心气虚血瘀 heart qi4 vacuity and blood stasis心气虚不得卧 heart qi4 vacuity sleeplessness心厥 heart reversal心舒(一) Heart Soother \#1心舒(二) Heart Soother \#2语际翻译 版权所有
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