- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 头风白屑 head-wind white scaling
- 头痛牙痛 headach and toothache
- 头痛 headache
- 头身疼痛 headache and body pain
- 头痛目痛 headache and eye pain
- 头痛且重 headache and heavy-headedness
- 头项强痛 headache and painful stiff nape
- 顶如拔 headache as if the top of the head were being pried off
- 经行头痛 headache during menstruation
- 头痛如锥刺 headache like the piercing of an awl
- 新头痛 headache of recent onset
- 头痛如掣 headache with pulling sensation
- 头痛[病] headache [disease]
- 头痛身重胸脘堵闷 headache, generalized heaviness, and blockage and oppression in the stomach duct
- 有头疽 headed flat-abscess
- 无头疽 headless flat-abscess
- 纲 headrope
- 医 healer
- 医家 healer
- 医 healing
- 医士 healing practitioner
- 砭 healing stone
- 医疗 health care
- 养生 health cultivation
- 摄生 health cultivation